• Your bloodthirsty eyes stab mercilessly into mine
    I look past the beautiful cloak
    To what you really are
    Your demon-like gaze rips away too soon
    Why am I dissapointed?
    Your soft body is brimmed with pointed blades
    That cut me open when I get attached
    Beneath that ruffled boyish hair
    Lie devils horns
    That show when I show myself to you
    Chills run down my spine
    Whenever your cold gaze meets mine
    You suck out all warmth
    And leave me paralyzed with memories
    Of when there was hope;
    And the long lost emotion
    Your invisible claws tear me apart
    Your unforgiving eyes thrive on my pain
    Your words draw wounds in my soul
    You are evil.
    And I love you.