• Ah poetry
    The love of my life
    That cradles me in the hardest of times
    I can pour my emotions in
    And you'll show them in the best of ways
    Just watch as frustration
    Turns into creativity
    Poetry is my strongest of points
    It started out as a story
    And magnified into brilliance
    I'll show my love for creating
    Through the beautiful strokes of words
    Just like a painter, and his tool
    The writers strongest weapon is his pen
    Or in my case a keyboard
    The words flow like a river
    Down a hill as it gains momentum
    Just like how the words on a page
    Can catch a persons eyes
    Having them hooked in moments
    Words will gain a persons trust
    Showing things through the mind not through pictures
    Happiness, Hardships, and all other emotions
    Through poetry will show what a person's made of
    It's their own special work