• Hey there, my little red head.
    You came into my life
    Like a swarm of the undead.
    It's been one thing after another
    But here we go again
    Like a fly into the swatter

    It seems like things just won't work out.
    I thought I was in love but I'm starting to doubt it.
    And now I'm leaving, but I can already see it.
    So here we go again.

    Hello there, my dear brunette.
    You arrived on the scene
    Like a thunder clap.
    At first it was love
    Then it was obsession.
    Yet another relationship
    Sent into regression.

    It seems like things just won't work out.
    I thought I was in love but I'm starting to doubt it.
    And now I'm leaving, but I can already see it.
    So here we go again.

    Well there you are
    My radiant blonde.
    Does your perfection know no bounds?
    A life spent wandering
    No place to call home.
    Time to settle down
    No more to roam.

    It seems like things just might work out.
    I thought it was love but now I know.
    Through pure chance
    Or divine intervention
    I've found the girl
    To complete my soul.