• Its time to open my wings and soar
    Far and wide,
    Across the shore,
    Past the horizon,
    To the land of the sun,
    Over the wide and glorious sea,
    Those beautiful waters,
    Deep and clear,
    The water-world below me,
    Full of life and love,
    My shadow showing on the sea floor
    As if I were only a few feet above.

    Its time to rest,
    To float on them waters, innocent and pure
    To drink of them, to taste the truth,
    So sweet and warm,
    So clear and real,
    So beautiful it almost brings a tear,
    So hard to believe
    In its reality,
    Despite my presence in the purest of cure’s,
    And despite my own eyes,
    And the distinct absence of lies,
    I drink some more, and off again I take to soar.

    To watch the mer-folk,
    A-hunting their game,
    And lock eyes with the little Shepard,
    Her flock all a-swish,
    To wish to be there, below those waves,
    Especially thinking back to that nightmareous cavern,
    The islands before where the slaves were in trade,
    The main-lands far back, where the Telmari stayed…
    Out on these waters, one needs no food,
    The sun shines much brighter, much closer,
    The current runs faster,
    There is no heading back, for those come by ship.

    Further and further,
    The ocean turns silver,
    To part the lilies a-grown on these waters,
    With a sword’s, flat edge,
    Looks like carving a line right through a mine,
    Looks like pushing your way through the molten metal.
    Sooner still, I think I shall reach,
    The final destination,
    The Lion’s great beach,
    With all that is, and all that’s been,
    Everything you may
    Imagine in between.

    As I draw nearer, I think I can see,
    It looks like the Lion in front of me stands,
    It looks like the beaches stretch long ahead,
    It looks like everyone I have ever met,
    Like everyone I have never had
    The pleasure to shake hands with
    Stands a-waiting on those shores,
    Where the Lion roars, where the Lion waits
    Staring softly to my pretty face,
    Coming on fast, as I race on,
    Coming on fast as I finally
    Come home.