• A weary sigh upon my chest
    Long and forgotten at its best
    Mine is gone long ago
    Forever weeping sad and slow
    Tears run rampant down my cheeks
    I can't stop them, not for weeks
    Tired winds howl at my door
    But I don't listen to them anymore
    A fearsome creature I have become
    In this darkness my heart is numb
    A forest far away waits for me
    But alas the way I do not see
    Fear torn skin lays at my feet
    Light long past as death I greet
    Tiny holes seen through dead man's eyes
    Silver thoughts pass as the last part dies
    A vein of terrible misery
    As blood flows freely from me
    Torn and battered I lay down to rest
    I cannot stand i've done my best
    The last battered breath escapes my lips
    And I remember those fateful trips
    Journeys to lands so far away
    Though it is there I wish I could stay
    Forever roaming wild and free
    that was the life I wanted for me
    But alas my journey has ended
    My heart still far from mended
    Beaten I lay dying at death's beautiful door
    Until I saw you and life I wanted more
    I stood once again to see the sight
    It was so hard it took all my might
    But my beaten body rose as I had hoped
    And for your hand, my hand groped
    Until you pulled me up to my feet
    And to life's light I am once again able to greet
    A tired beaten me held tight in your arms
    And past mistakes are forgotten harms
    Safe and sound I roam again
    But not alone, I roam with my friend
    Two weary travelers are we
    But a smile is shared between you and me
    One so promising of the next day
    That "I love you" is the only thing I can say
    Though the words don't express what it is I feel
    Because it was my heart that you did heal
    Not an easy task to do
    Many have tried but the only one to succeed was you