• Memories of a lost one that brings tears to your eyes
    And makes you wanna start questioning god with the why's
    It's the type of thing that puts your heart in pain
    And makes it self a permanent home in your brain
    You wish it was some one else not the one so close to you
    your emotions are on a roller coaster and all of this is new
    So close too each other they were like a not related sibling
    But they took em away and left you with nothing
    Except those memories that remind you of when life was your friend
    Unfortunately someone saw the happiness and put it too an end
    You play that one song that reminds you of the lost one
    and remember all those good times when the day was fun
    You'll never ever be able to fully heal yourself or the way you feel
    You start being alone with only your thoughts cause life is too real
    It's strange if you look in your chest there is no heart just a empty hole
    This all happened when you last saw the lost one that life stole
    Just as your about to drown off of your own tears
    you realize that the answer is right in your face and is clear
    They would want you too live life with a smile
    So you look up and tell them not to worry you'll be with them in a little while