• I sit here, alone
    My dog at my feet
    I feel, as I'm prone
    Like my heart skipped a beat

    The butterflies emerge
    Strong as ever
    Haunting me always
    Now and forever

    I can't escape
    I can't get out
    They make me anxious
    Make me doubt

    A drink, perhaps
    Will quell my fear
    To make these pests

    And yet I find
    There is no hope
    Nepenthe fails
    I cannot cope

    The butterflies
    They're all still there
    My treatment makes
    Their tempers flare

    Unstable now,
    So much I shake
    There's no relief
    No silent break

    I have no choice
    I have to deal
    I must ignore
    The way I feel

    I walk on stage
    I say my piece
    The chaos goes
    The butterflies cease