• I could start this like a fairy tale with once upon a time

    I could write this as a letter but that is not my kind

    I could make this a song a love ballad sweet and true

    I could write so many things to show my heart to you

    Truth be told I am not sure how best to express

    These simple truths and how I digress

    When I try to say in such a way

    How much you mean and why it seems that I cannot go a day

    Without your scent and smile

    To tame my mind so raging wild

    How did that first kiss under a round and high moon

    Cause our only fight and our impending doom

    What could I have said to keep you in my heart

    How was I to know we’d be torn apart

    The love I felt I still feel

    The pain inside shows it’s real

    So how can I go on alone

    In this world of monotone

    And keep a fake smile plastered on my face

    While behind blue eyes my thoughts trace

    The path your lips traced once before

    I look back to remember once more

    Tears fall from my yearning eyes

    As I listen to you tell her those same tired lies

    “I’ll love you till the morning light.”

    She’ll be the next with sleepless nights

    How do I warn her when I wish her to ache

    How do you lie with the tongue of a snake

    My heart torn open and bleeding for you

    The man who hurts me through and through