• The love of your friends is one that you can not take for granted. You treat your friends with respect and you will be treated with respect. If you truly love someone and they love you back they will not do anything to harm you they will do everything in there power to protect you rom harm.
    The stories of love and hate are not there to entertain you, they are there to inform you. Just because someone sais something doesent mean that they truly feel that way you have to be able to read feelings in order to do that you have to know what the letters L.O.V.E truly mean. To truly love someone you actualy have to be willing to throw yourself in front of a bullet you have to truly feel safe with them.
    In order to avoid the pain of a broken heart you have to be prepard for the worst of things. you don't want to give your whole heart to them just a very large portion. You should be willing to give yourself to not only them but to your friends if you throw away your friends for one male or female you could be alone forever.
    Take it form me i am someone that has ha there heart broken many timesit is a teromatising moment that will change your life but please just remember that you are not alone

    kago crescent