• The depths of the Ocean Blue are nothing compared to you.
    I dive in deep and everything is so wide and vast.
    The greens and blues of your eyes compared to the sea contrast.

    I feel like I'm drowning in your own personal ocean.
    I need to swim away but can't, I'm lost in the motion.
    It feels like the end, and now the waves begin to descend.

    The waves take me under, they send me below.
    I'm thrusted down to the bottom of Davey Jones locker.
    The lightning in the sky makes the whole ocean glow.

    I'm still held down, I'm starting to choke.
    My obtaining air in time is nothing but a joke.
    I'm drowning at the bottom for centuries to seconcds, I don't know.

    But then the tides part, and I'm freed from it's grip.
    The ocean throws me out and I'm on land again.
    I'm not sure what happened, for how long or even when.

    I stare at your ocean and am not sure if the rage lives on.
    Now I live by that ocean and I can't remain calm.
    As I stand by that ocean and still float adrift,
    I know life will take me where ever it is.