• Who ever got to decide who was horrible?
    It’s not fair.
    I am a horrible person
    I sleep while she writhes in emotional and physical pain
    I’m supposed to love her.
    I know she hurts and cries before falling asleep every night
    And yet I drift right off to wonderland
    They all think she’s horrible because she has a narrow mind set
    So what if she does? It’s what gives her strength
    I don’t even think I’m strong.
    I dare ANYONE of you to tell me what your strength is.
    You don’t know either do you? You think you do but you’re wrong.
    No one knows really. No one but her.
    She’s the only one on Earth who knows what she wants and works for it.
    She works herself to the bone.
    We’re all mindless drones flailing about trying to make sense of ourselves and our lives.
    We never take responsibility; we blame it on other people or things.
    THOSE are the horrible things. Not us, not ourselves.
    But that’s not the real truth
    We can’t lie to ourselves anymore.
    It’s time for everyone to realize that we are ALL HORRIBLE PEOPLE