• Well this is the assassins diary first entry. Lately I have been doing some *things* to make my self more aware of the city and what happens in it. Multiple times I have seen a criminal attacking a citizen of the city and stopped them. I wish that I had the time and guts to take responsibility for what I have done. Then I stop myself before I do and compare if people would find many of the things I do heroic. Also because of what I was forced to do to the people who attempted to stop me from getting rid of the waves and waves of criminals in this city.
    Many call me a thief, a killer, and many other unpleasent things. Secretly I am proud of the things that I do for the citizens of my city. I may not be a perfect superhero who does nothing bad. Then again with my skill it is better that I am what I am than a true criminal. With that kind of crook in the streets I would be the only one out there. Forget that, that is just a day dream.
    Well I think that my position here is compromised. I would rather not have another police patrol's life taken away by me. Then again I do not want another guard patrol's life by anyone but I have to go now.(runs off)