• Walking home late at night from the party, i spot a dark figure in the distance. A cold breeze washes over me. The dark figure comes closer. I can hear my heat pounding. Something doesn't feel right, i want to run, i'm to afraid to move. I can see his face, a narrow face with a short brown beard at the chin. Blood shot eyes, mouth twists into a smirk as he pulls a gun from his coat. I try to scream but no soud comes out. He points the gun at my heart, and shoots. Pain crawls down my immobilized body. I drop swiftly to the ground. Blood runs down my chest. I feel cold. I can feel the blood draining out of my body. The man, still standing over me, snickers quietly. Sirens, the police must be coming. A booming voice yells out, "You there! Drop your wepons and come out with your hands up!". The man runs, runs fast from the police. My head, feels dizzy. Everything is a blur. My eyes feel heavy. Two people carefully pick me up and place me on a strecher. As i am wheeled into the back of the abulence i remember my mom and dad. How much they would worry if they knew what has happened tonight. I feel stiff. My eyes, burning, closing slowly. I see stars, then, nothing. I took one last breath, then died.