• *God rules the light,Heavens and more.
    *The devil rules the dark , Hell and nothing more.

    I woke up , in my small room afraid to sleep , afraid of the dark and the evil presences I felt.All I could do was hide under my covers ( like in the movies when your watching a scary movie , hiding under your jacket and you peak and the scary part happens and you spill your popcorn). Well instead it was real and ten times worst and no jacket,no popcorn or in a big room with sourond sound and a 44 ft screen.
    I crept from under my sheets to see.........over wealemed by my pulse and my stupid thoughts of being a little "DRAMATIC"i crept back under neath .What was this precence was it a ghost , a demon or just my plain since of over reacting.I stumbled over my thoughts.All it could be was a dumb figure lurking in the dark .I had to see what it was and i had to get air.
    I rose from the hot covers and heard my door creep open.It starteled me as much as it would starteled any other 12 year old boy.Those few seconds sceared me to death , but all it was my saco Mother wondering what the sound she heard in the middle of the scars night .I told her with a puseled voice"...Um i dont knoW..."then she slamed my door and went back to bed.
    The room was dark and felt in a daze,and the door was better left open then closed.So you would have a huntch that I opened the door wide.But my mom said what was that sound and a heard a scretching sound that made my heart pound.I thought it had to br a murder,a theif in the night come to grab me , or a rabber. But those thoughts burned off in my mind as i steared at my Mom across the hall as the TV flickered from blue to green , then to white then to dark .
    *.....finale the night was over and I could sleep calmly.

    *....................Well at least until tommorow.