• There is nothing more true than those lyrics that seem to describe my life so clearly.

    "Because the hardest part of this is leaving you."

    It literally hurts to write them. Was it hard to leave me? Do you miss me? I have so many questions... but no answers, because you're gone. Forever. And I hate it. I hate that I can't see your smile. I hate that I can't talk to you, or at least just hear your voice. I hate the fact that your gone. Yah, I know that it has been ten years since you left. And I know that you can't come back. Because you're dead. Did you really pick the drugs over us? Your daughters? The two people in the whole world that loved you most... and you picked drugs over us. I miss you, you know. No matter what Mom says to trash you. I'll always love you. And miss you. A lot. But if I had just one question I could ask you it would be:

    Was the hardest part of it leaving us?