(This is a Artical i made to inform people about Dyslexia i plan to place it into my school papper fro all the kids to read. So wish me luck when i do so. Also i will be posting other Articals im wrighting on here about things the papper dosent cover. Like pop-up games and the dangers of falling up stairs. So look out for those articals. Also i forgot to mention the artical about a animel people in foren contreys <thats not spelled right< eat to get rid of asma. I found that one intresting.)
Ok i would like to bring somthing about to the world for those of you who dont have Dyslexia.
First off what is Dyslexia?
Wikipedia says:
Dyslexia is considered to be a learning disability. It manifests primarily as a difficulty with written language, particularly with reading and spelling. It is separate and distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or from poor or inadequate reading instruction. Evidence also suggests that dyslexia results from differences in how the brain processes written and/or spoken language. Although dyslexia is allegedly the result of a neurological difference, it is not an intellectual disability. Dyslexia occurs at all levels of intelligence.
But that dosent mean we are stupid we just have problems spelling. Wich means everything we do is mostly dun with words. Albert Einstein was verry much Dyslexic but he became a verry famos man. Evon though he did bad in school because of it look where he has come to now? Is that amasing or what? A man who couldent spell or speek well invented some of the verry things you use now. Many Famous actors are Dyslexic also and they are seen in manny movies today. You see Dyslexia is not a desease its just that are brains work diffrently than yours. You see the human brain is left side domanit this side holds all of the Writting and math skills. But people with Dyslexia are right brained meaning we hold th side with art music and sciance. But Dyslexia is a advantige also.
See sicence prooves this
Why is dyslexia a gift?
Dyslexic people are visual, multi-dimensional thinkers. (like Einstein) We are intuitive and highly creative (Sounds like a actor right?), and excel at hands-on learning.(Most construction workers and arcitect are Dyslexic also) Because we think in pictures, it is sometimes hard for us to understand letters, numbers, symbols, and written words.
But i beat you can steal read this though
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.
Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
See the mind is cool ant it?
But back to spell check shall we? First off what is spell check?
Wikapedie states this on the history of the spell checker:
Spell Check: Simple spell checkers operate on individual words by comparing each of them against the contents of a dictionary, possibly performing stemming on the word. If the word is not found it is considered to be a error, and an attempt may be made to suggest a word that was likely to have been intended. One such suggestion algorithm is to list those words in the dictionary having a small Levenshtein distance from the original word.
When a word which is not within the dictionary is encountered most spell checkers provide an option to add that word to a list of known exceptions that should not be flagged.
But also whats up with it saying this?
Wikapedia quotes this: Spell checkers are helpful for typos but it was not so helpful for logical or phonetic (wich is how Dyslexic people spell) errors. The challenge the developers faced was the difficulty in offering useful suggestions for misspelled words. This requires reducing words to a skeletal form and applying pattern-matching algorithms. In recent years, spell checkers have become increasingly sophisticated; some are now capable of recognizing simple grammatical errors. However, even at their best, they rarely catch all the errors in a text (such as homonym errors) and will flag neologisms and foreign words as misspelling.
But what they still dont do is place a defonition behind each word that would help this problem here.
But get a look of this. This is why people with Dyslexia cant use spell check.
Wikapedia says: Recently, research has focused on developing algorithms which are capable of recognizing a misspelled word, even if the word itself is in the vocabulary, based on the context of the surrounding words. Not only does this allow words such as those in the poem above to be caught, but it mitigates the detrimental effect of enlarging dictionaries, allowing more words to be recognized. The most common example of errors caught by such a system are homophone errors, such as the bold words in the following sentence:
Their coming too sea if its reel.
So alot of you people probly still dont get what Phonetic spellers are
Well Phonetic Spellers will use letter(s) to represent each sound they hear. So evon if the word is miss spelled you can still read it. Everyone makes the mistake of applying the rules of the english language to are words. But just bluntly sounding each letter out is effisent enough to read are work.
So you see its not like we dont want to spell right its that most of us cant. There are diffrent levels of this Dyslexia to, wich of most i have a savier lever of it. But that dosent place me in the retarted class dose it. I am capabol of being in Pre AP everythign but my classes wouldent all fit. See when i say i cant use spell check im right i cant use it.
So you probably want to know what can Dyslexia children and adults use to help them. Well there is a little device called a Franklen. This small square like computer fits in your poket and bag. But they are verry exspansive where i live so i cant aford one right now. But soem times whern people like me are wrighting somthign they cant chach everything that is wrong. Thats where a second peorson comes in hand like a sibling or a friend. But how anoyed do you thing that person would get? Pretty mad dont you think? But just because we cant spell dosent mean we cant wright. We just need a verbal virson of everything thats why we have are test read to us or a teacher to sound are vocab words to us.
So i hope everyone understands why spell check is a demon to us. But i will say this there is one way it can be improved. PUT THE DANG DEFONITIONS BEHIND THE WORD CORECTIONS.
So thanks for readign evon though it seems like alot to just exsplain one thing but without it people wont lisson. See people who think spell check is the answer tell us this "Use it for once." So i will use it right now to show you the problem here gose.
This is the uncorected spell check virsion.
Hello and welcom to my house. Its a wonderful and beutifol place isant it? The sky is allways blue where the birds never stop singing. Yes after a while i hate it and want to move. Because the rain poors and the halls are cold. The winter is harsh and the spring is to new. When my love left i became a new. But the garden isant so fresh to you. The gazebo is broken the plumming is busted. My refrigerator has roches swimming in green stew. The mail box is stufft and the letters are un opened. All because i was never a gottie to shouse.
The Spell check corected virsion.
Hello and welcome to my house. Its a wonderful and beautifuler place is-ant it? The sky is alleyways blue where the birds never stop singing. Yes after a while i hate it and want to move. Because the rain poo rs and the halls are cold. The winter is harsh and the spring is to new. When my love left i became a new. But the garden is-ant so fresh to you. The gazebo is broken the plumping is busted. My refrigerator has roche's swimming in green stew. The mail box is stuffed and the letters are unopened. All because i was never a got tie to shoes. (Pretty silly huh? But all of this is ok because my spell check said so.)
I barrowed a franklen from some one just to show you what i could do here you go.
Hello and welcome to my house. Its a wonderful and beautiful place isn't it? The sky is always blue where the birds never stop singing. Yes after a while i hate it and want to move. Because the rain pours and the halls are cold. The winter is harsh and the spring is to new. When my love left i became a new. But the garden isn't so fresh to you. The gazebo is broken the pluming is busted. My refrigerator has roaches swimming in green stew. The mail box is stuffed and the letters are unopened. All because i was never a goody to shoes. (Thats more like it. to bad i have to give this back now it rilly helps <.> wink
So im sorry fro dissing your blesing of a spell check but this is somthign i had to do. I wanted everyone to hear and know what to do. But sad to say there is no medication for Dyslexcia so the world will have to deal with it. Atlead we still have the curage to get out and wright to everyone. So please comment and if this dosent change your mind abotu what i have to go through then thats a sad day for you.
Loves to you all La Chibet ^^= ~Chi?
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This page was last modified on 12 September 2008, at 16:52.
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This page was last modified on 10 September 2008, at 13:45.

- Title: The Demon Spell Check Artical
- Artist: La Chibet
- Description: This if for all the people who honded me about spell check i want the word to get around so i made something for everyone of you hope you chock and die on it ^^=. So please lisson to what i say and to the voices of the ones who are affectid by this Dyslexia
- Date: 09/13/2008
- Tags: demon spell check
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Rian_Lena - 06/17/2009
- .... I'll not be like the others before me.... But I won't be like the ones who have supported you. The world is going to be extremely harsh and an excuse as weak as yours isn't going to raise much help or sympathy. You're just going to have to find a way to become better. Whether it be by yourself or with the help of others, it's always going to be your choice. Including taking criticism like this because there will probably worse.
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- Shibaken - 09/17/2008
- ******** you. You're telling basically all disabled people they have no hope and people should just pat them on the head and give them a free asspat. I've dealt with a form of Autism and I'll be damned if I stop to feel sorry for myself. I got social skills training early, so I was helped. And you? All you can do is swipe a crybaby article and try to throw a pity party for yourself. Try telling this to the parents of truly dyslexic children instead of kids suffering from a case of stupid.
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- Sonic Butterfly - 09/16/2008
- Still having trouble drudging up support, I see? How funny.
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- ScytheWielder - 09/16/2008
- You're basically telling disabled people not to even try. What a horrible message. If you're the "salt of the earth" I fear for the world.
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- ScytheWielder - 09/16/2008
- So what, you're conemning us to hell because we've DARED to tell you to make something of your life, instead of wallowing in self-pity? You really are a waste of life. I hope you mature as you get older, because you're just useless the way you are now. And school newspaper? Don't make me laguh. I was the editor of one for two years. They'd realize this was plagiarized and throw it away. That is, after attempting to sort through the many mistakes you made.
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- Hekibel - 09/14/2008
My English teacher is Dyslexic. Yes, English teacher. Her only issue is that sometimes she reads the sentence funny and misspells names. But then again, who doesn't misspell the names in The Odyssey?
Dyslexia can sometimes be hindering, but NEVER use it as an excuse of why you can't do things. I know someone who is an AMAZING speaker and is severely dyslexic. It's not too bad. - Report As Spam
- La Chibet - 09/14/2008
- Say what you want ladys but when the day comes and im in the kingdome of hevan. I will have a new body that can wright perfectly. So say as you wish to some one who is the salt of the earth. Ill just keep on praying for you 3
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