• The Saru:

    Damage Output- 7/10

    Attack Speed- 7/10

    Flight Speed- 6/10

    Maneuvering Capability- 8/10 (Burst)

    Armor Rating- 8/10

    Optimum Range- Short to Mid Range

    Special Attributes- Two rods embedded in the forearms that can be ejected and used as dual weapons or combined to form a pole arm. They emit golden particle bombs that explode upon contact or after a short period of time; giving both offensive capability and defensive. Based off Hideyoshi's Golden Gourd Staff.

    Notable Weaknesses- High Energy Consumption due to Burst Maneuvering and lacking any Pure Offensive Capabilities.

    Appearance- Gold and Bronze armor with red portions; bulky around the shoulders, forearms, chest, and shins; but lighter around the joint areas. Cloud and circular swirling patterns embedded throughout the armor coating. A red mask covering the lower portion of the head, and golden optic sensors. A small mohawk-like potrusion on the top of the head; like a tuft of a monkey's fur. The general appearance of a monkey adorning armor.