• "NO! STOP!" Lammy shouted loudly as the green haired man grebbed her by her long purple hair, pulling her close to him. "Now now Lammy dear, if you keep shouting and struggling like that, it will onl make it hurt even more. Now be good my little lamb and stop your fighting." With that said, he covered her mouth with his free hand, and took his foot, slamming it down hard into the bakc of Lammy's knee's, one by one.
    She screamed as loud as she could when he smashed the back of her knee's in. Tears faling down her pale cheek, that were once rosey in color. He smirked and let her go, her small body faling to to cold hard floor, crying. "M-mr.Pickles. W-why are you doing this?!" She yelled at him with anger and fear. He then knelt down beside her and grabbed her once agian, chucking at her. "I am doing this so that we can be ogether forever" He let her hair go, grabbed her arms and started to bend then slowly. "Forever and ever my little doll". He then quickly snapped her arms, breaking them, making her scream again. He got annoyed of that, stood up and walked out of the room for a minute.
    She sighed in relif when he left but started to cry again. SHe was scared to death and just wanted this nightmare to end. "Doll's do not scream and cry my little lamb." HE then held a butcher knife in his hand, kneeling down besde her once again. "My sweet Lammy". Mr.pickles stroked her cheek gently, she then bite his hand. When she did, the hand that held the knife, chopped off her feet. Her purple eyes went wide with shock. she took a look at what he had done and screamed again, He shook his hand and then cut her legs off as well, cutting them right in the middle of her broken knees.
    She began to shake, not maing another noise for a while. Being please with that he took her arms and cute them off at the elbows and tossed them to the ground, turning and walking away from her. "Such a quiet lamb, I love it." When he said that she began to cry again. He didnt like that one bit and with a swift movement he took the knife and slashed her throat open, then slashed again, taking her head off, it falling to the floor and laying there in a bloody mess.
    When her body was done bleeding, he picked it up and layed it on the table with some sewing supplies on it, grabbing her feets, legs, arms, and her head, sitting down and smiling at his worlk. "How lovely."
    He worked and worked for hours, SEwing on her legs and feet, her arms and fnally her head. When he was finlly done. He grabbed some water and sopa and began to wash the blood off her body and trying to get it out of her dress. HE scrubbed and scrubbed and after a while he had gotten the blood out. He smiled happily and picked her dead body up and carried it to a small room that was covered in her pictres, and flowers, as well as some stuffed animals. "I hope you liek this Lammy dear. I worked hard on this room for you" He laid her body down on the bed that was there fixing her hair so that it was out of her face. "At long last, togetehr forever, My Lammy. How wonderful it is" He said with that sick and twisted smile mostly always had on his face and then gently kissed her cold dead lips. "Forever"