• Tales of Xalthia

    Chapter 23: Beyond the Sea

    Three days have passed since the night raid on Eresseas. The city of Eresseas has been since occupied by the forces of Menorion and have assumed control over the now shaken and terrified kingdom. No one has seen any trace of the other members of the Royal Eight that went missing during the night raid. Many presumed them as dead, killed by Mike and Stahler. Tsuki and his companions were the only ones that were able to survive and flee the castle. The remaining forces of Eresseas' military have been either executed or thrown in dungeons.

    Ever since the takeover, Tsuki and the others were forced to lay low to avoid detecion. The Menorion invaders knew they were still alive and are hiding somewhere in Cayhill. Many thought that they were alive due to the wanted posters that littered the walls of every town in Cayhill. Majority of the kingdom refused to talk to the Menorion soldiers about anything relating to the royal family or its knights but there are some who don't care and would offer information in exchange for money and security

    There was only one place Tsuki and his companions could go to for safety: the underground base in Basilwell. With Alba's help, they were able to avoid detection and could rest in peace for the time being. To avoid being identified, Tsuki and the others had to store the clothing they had on them and wear less conspicuous clothing. Tsuki and Elle no longer wore the armor of Eresseas and were now wearing average clothing you'd see other swordsmen wearing. Cheria could no longer wear royal gowns and dresses so she had to wear normal girl clothing. As for the rest, they just needed to change the clothing they had on. So far, their disguises have worked but they know that it's only a temporary fix. They'll catch on soon enough and they need to form a plan before that happens.

    As they remained in hiding, the took the opportunity to find out what Menorion had planned now that they've taken over Eresseas. Unfortunately, they couldn't find out anything useful without the risk of exposing themselves. Cheria was still having trouble dealing with the loss of her parents but she knew that she had to stay strong. She didn't want their sacrifice to be in vain. There were people who believed that Taichi and Emma were still alive because Menorion would have announced that they've killed them to the public. Briswater officials, including Frey and Maxwell have rushed over to Basilwell upon hearing that Tsuki and his companions were taking shelter in their underground base.

    Tsuki and his group were all gathered in the conference room in the underground base of Basilwell. Due to the severity of their situation, Maxwell and Frey were granted access to the underground base to discuss what options they have left. Once everyone was in the conference room, they started to figure out what they should do next.

    Alba paced back and forth around the room, trying to come up with a plan for their next course of action. "We're in a very bad spot right now. Menorion has already developed a stranglehold over the entire continent of Cayhill. It's only a matter of time before they learn that we're hiding you" he said.

    Maxwell was furious that Menorion conquered Eresseas so easily. He just couldn't believe it. "How did this all happen!? You guys easily pushed Menorion back when they attacked Basilwell! Why was this so different!?" he shouted.

    Elle shook her head. "This is different than the attack two months ago. They used Dark Arcanum to summon Shades to the battlefield. They're soulless beings with incredible power in numbers. Eresseas' military didn't stand a chance against them. It's a miracle we're even alive" she said.

    Frey looked at Elle. "Dark Arcanum? Wasn't that power supposed to of been sealed away decades ago?" he asked.

    Elle nodded at him. "Yes, it was. However, it seems Menorion's foolish king found a way to unseal it and use it for himself" she said.

    Alba looked over at Elle and crossed his arms. "What happens when someone uses Dark Arcanum? I've only read that the end results are catastrophic. Surely, a dangerous power like that has more uses other than summoning Shades" he said.

    Elle closed her eyes and fell into thought for a moment. Even she didn't know much about Dark Arcanum. It was a power that was first sealed away long before her time. "There isn't much that I know of Dark Arcanum since that power was sealed away around the time the Ancients first sealed themselves away" she said. She took a moment to gather her thoughts of whatever could be useful in finding out more about Dark Arcanum. "All I know is that the person who uses Dark Arcanum gains a tremendous boost in power, has the ability to summon almost limitless amounts of Shades and gains the power to destroy but at the risk of losing yourself to its unholy power" she said.

    Maxwell sighed heavily and fell silent for a brief moment. He soon scratched the back of his head. "So, what do we do now? Even with our assistance, we won't be able to retake Eresseas ourselves" he said.

    Elle nodded. "Not only are we gravely outnumbered, there's another problem that prevents us from retaking Eresseas. Ever since the attack ended, an impenetrable veil of darkness has shrouded over the entire city. That's another product of Dark Arcanum. We won't be able to do anything until that veil is taken down" she said.

    Frey tilted his head. "How do we take it down?" he asked. Surely, there must be a way to take down the veil. It must have some sort of weakness.

    Elle looked over at Frey then at Cheria who was sitting in her seat next to Tsuki with her knees up to her chin. "The veil can only be pierced by the Relic Keys passed down within the royal families of each continent. The Relics are as follows: the Shimmering Pearl, Dragon's Claw, Frost Gem, Blade of Artha, Crest of Sands and Blessed Flower" she said. She then pointed to necklace Cheria had that Emma gave her before they left. "Lucky for us, we have the Shimmering Pearl given to us by Queen Emma. Now, we need to obtain the rest. Menorion is in possession of the Blade of Artha so that should be the last one we try to obtain" she said.

    Ramza shook his head and held up his hand. "Whoa, hold on there. You're talking about obtaining national treasures. Cheria may be willing, but I highly doubt the other kingdoms will simply hand us one of their most guarded and prized treasures" he said.

    Tsuki shook his head. "He has a point. Our request will most likely be denied immediately" he said. There had to be another way if they were going to obtain the national treasures of other kingdoms.

    Ruko folded his arms and thought for a moment. "We can't steal them and we certainly can't take them by force. We'll have to find a way to gain their trust somehow" he said. That appeared to be their only option but he has no idea what the other royal families were like.

    Maxwell shook his head, knowing that whatever they decide to go with will be difficult and time consuming. "That won't be easy. I'm sure other nations are aware of what's happened here by now. They won't want to risk becoming a target themselves if they were to help a neutral kingdom especially if they aren't allies" he said.

    Tsuki thought for a moment. The world was going to be on the verge of another war if Menorion's campaign for conquest continues. They have no other choice. "We'll have to do everything we can go gain their trust and obtain those Relics. There's no other way around it" he said. He then looked over at Ramza. "Let's start with the kingdom of Esseand which lies on the continent of Ersheath. Ramza should be able to help and vouch for us since he serves under King Raiku of Esseand. We'll worry about the other kingdoms later" he said.

    Ramza looked over at Tsuki and nodded. "If that's what you want, I can send a message to His Majesty in Esseand and let them know what's going on" he said.

    Alba stood up and nodded, looking at everyone in the room. "It seems we have a plan then. I will arrange a ship for you to use at your disposal. Be aware that once you leave here, you won't be able to return to Cayhill for a while. Be sure you're ready and have all of your matters settled before you set sail. Unfortunately, it'll have ti be a quick departure because we will attract Menorion's attention" he said.

    Tsuki nodded. He didn't want to attract unneeded attention to them right now. They were gravely outnumbered to begin with. Seven people couldn't fight the entire military force of Menorion that were stationed in Cayhill. "Alright. How soon can we depart?" he asked.

    Alba looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall over the doorway. It was late but that could work to their advantage. "About three hours, if I'm not discovered. We'll use the cover of night to our advantage" he said. He then turned around and headed to the door. "I'll go start the preparations. If you guys have any last minute shopping and resupplying to do before you leave, now is your only chance to do so. Just be wary of your surroundings and avoid Menorion soldiers" he said. He then walked out of the room and disappeared down the hall.

    Once Alba left the room, Maxwell stood up from his seat. "While Alba gets the ship preparations done, we'll go check out the port and the surrounding area and clear obstacles that could get in the way. Let's go, Frey" he said. He then headed towards the door and left the room as well.

    Frey stood up from his seat as well and nodded. "Alright" he said. He followed Maxwell to the door but stopped before leaving and turned his head to look at Tsuki and his companions. "Leave things to us. We'll make sure you guys get out of here safely" he said. He then followed Maxwell out of the room and down the hall.

    After a brief moment of silence, Cheria sighed heavily. "What will become of our kingdom...? Mom...dad...what am I suppose to do...?" she asked herself. It was clear that she was still overcome with grief. She not only lost her mother and father, but she also had her kingdom stolen from her and left her powerless.

    Ellie walked up to Cheria and kneeled down next to her, placing her hand over hers that were resting on Cheria's lap. "Your Highness, I know this is a tough time for you. Your parents are extremely proud and would do anything to keep you and this kingdom safe. I know we basically abandoned them even if they were orders for us to follow. Taichi and Emma ordered Tsuki to take you and flee the kingdom if something like this were to happen and they ordered me to get everyone to safety" she said. She then shook her head and looked down towards the ground. "I can't blame you if you're angry and upset with us. Even if they were orders, I wish we could of stayed and help them" she said.

    Cheria looked at Ellie and shook her head. "No...I'm not angry and upset at you guys. I could never be. I know that if we stayed there, we would of been killed" she said. She then looked up at Tsuki, who showed clear frustration and grief in his eyes. She reached up at him and tugged on his sleeve. "You two were the closest people to my mother and father. I know it wasn't easy for you guys to obey their orders" she said.

    Tsuki looked at Cheria when she tugged on his sleeve and gave her a soft smile before he placed his hand on her shoulder. "I intend to keep the promise I gave them. I will ensure that you become Queen when we free Cayhill from Menorion's grip. Until then, I'll always be here to protect you" he said.

    Cheria looked up at Tsuki and smiled a bit, blushing slightly. "Thank you, Tsu. I'll be in your care then" she said. It was a tough time for her but she was surrounded by people who care about her. With lots of effort, she knows that they will free Cayhill.

    For the next three hours, Tsuki and his group decided to remain inside Basilwell's underground base. Since there wasn't anything they needed from the shops in town, they didn't want to risk being exposed by Menorion soldiers. All they could do in the meantime was wait for Alba to finish the preparations with their ship and rest up for their next journey which would be even longer and full of more dangers than their last one. After the three hours had slowly passed, Alba returned and met up with everyone.

    Alba walked into the conference room where everyone met up once more and saw everyone except for Maxwell and Frey, who were still out checking the area around the port. "Okay, the ship is ready to set sail whenever you guys are ready to go. Everyone all set?" he asked.

    Tsuki nodded. "We're ready to go" he said. This would be the first time he has left Cayhill and his first voyage across the vast ocean. He was nervous and anxious, but at the same time, excited as well. Crossing the ocean was something he's been wanting to do for years but didn't have the means to do so.

    Alba nodded and turned around, facing the door. "Alright. Let's get a move on while the patrols are still light. I'd like to get you guys out at sea before Menorion realize what's going on" he said. He then left the conference room and headed towards the surface.

    Tsuki and his group followed Alba out of the room and made their way back up to the surface. Once they reached the surface, it was eerily quiet. There were no townspeople in the streets. All they could hear were the waves from the ocean, bird calls, metallic footsteps of Menorion soldiers that echoed throughout the empty streets and the whistling of the wind. It was almost like a ghost town which was very unsettling for Tsuki and his companions.

    Using the cover of darkness, Tsuki and his companions made their way quietly through the streets of the town and hiding when necessary. During their silent trip to the port, stealth was the key. They had to be as quiet as possible. If they had to remove soldiers who were in their way, they had to do it quietly and swiftly without drawing attention to them. After twenty minutes of quietly maneuvering through the streets, they reached the port without being discovered. There were no soldiers in sight around the port or its surrounding area. Moments after their arrival, Frey and Maxwell came out from one of the storage buildings. It seems that they had cleared the area out earlier to make their departure easier and quicker.

    Maxwell approached the group and nodded. "About time you guys showed up. We cleared out the area of patrols that came through here but more are coming. You guys need to leave now before more arrive" he said.

    Tsuki looked at Maxwell and nodded. "Alright. Thanks for all of your help. Looks like I was able to claim the debts Briswater and Basilwell owe me" he said.

    Maxwell chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I suppose you did" he said. He then looked towards the ships that were waiting in the port. "Now, get going" he said.

    Alba patted Tsuki's shoulder gently. "It's the least we could do. You helped us a great deal and now it's our turn to return the favor" he said. He then pointed to one of the docked ships. "On behalf of Basilwell, I bestow upon you one of our best and fastest ships, the Saint Alize. Use her to your liking" he said.

    Tsuki looked at the ship he pointed to and was almost speechless at what he saw. The ship was beautifully designed, fully built in wood with steel plating around the sides of the ship. It resembled closely to the ships owned by the royal family. Once he was finished gazing at the ship, he turned and faced his companions. "Alright, time to board the ship. We're setting sail" he said.

    Everyone nodded and approached the ship. Soon, they started to board the ship as quickly as possible. They needed to leave before patrols arrive in the port. Once everyone got on board the ship with their supplies, Tsuki soon followed them up the ramp everyone used to climb up onto the ship. He soon stopped halfway up the ramp and turned around to face Maxwell, Frey and Alba one final time before leaving.

    Tsuki took one last look at them and bowed at them. "Take care of Cayhill while we're gone. I'm counting on you. Try not to get yourselves killed" he said.

    Maxwell nodded at him. "I should be telling you that. The world outside of Cayhill can be a dangerous place. Take care of yourselves. You guys just focus on obtaining those Relics while we cake care of Cayhill. We'll also try to find the missing members of the Royal Eight and look into whether or not King Taichi and Queen Emma are alive" he said.

    Tsuki gave them a smile and climbed onto the deck of the ship, pulling the ramp back on board. Moments later, the ship started to move with the use of powerful water Artes. It took several minutes before the ship was able to set sail at full speed. As the ship left the harbor of Basilwell, Tsuki and his companions watched as Basilwell and the continent of Cayhill slowly shrunk in the distance as they started their ocean voyage. Soon, the massive landmass disappeared over the horizon, leaving nothing in sight except for the vast ocean.

    To be continued...