• Her cries echoed around the ally way, sending the rats and cockroaches scattering. The only other sound that could be heard was from the slow dripping of the putrid water, drip…drip…drip. Her tattered, rank and smudged clothes showed little signs of where she came from, her bright pinks and yellows now faded into light greys. Her once beautiful fair hair was now knotted, filthy, dull and brown turning and hid her green-blue eyes that no longer held any life to them. This once proud girl was now out casted and forgotten, like that of a sponge that has outlived its use. She heard the footsteps of strangers but didn’t look up; she had parted with her hope for humanity long ago. The footsteps faded and she knew that she wasn’t even given a glance, but instead treated as a bug that had to be avoided at all cost. She shifted from her spot, pain throbbing through her legs from the endless walking she had done, but she ignored it, she had too. Night was falling and she had to reach higher ground, where it was safer from the thieves, addicts and murderers. Not that she had anything worth to steal, she had lost it all. Nothing was hers anymore, not even her *********; she had lost that on the first night.

    She sometimes wondered if she should even try living, she had broken nearly all of her sacred God’s commands to keep herself alive, although most of the time she no longer believed in God. Why would God leave her to starve? Why would God, who has the power to do anything, bestow upon her this misery, this condemned fait she has? No, she no longer felt her God’s power, safety and strength.