• I don’t remember being kidnapped. I don’t remember being tied up or stuck in the back of a truck, but when I woke up, that’s exactly where I was. The first thought I had was “How will I get out of here?” A good question, if I was being kidnapped by humans, but what if it was a werewolf? Faerie? Witch? Or even worse, a vampire? If it was a human, I’d be able to at least stand some of a chance. Anything else, I might as well be dead.
    “Where are we taking her?” asked a male voice with a Finnish accent.
    “To the boss,” answered a female voice with the same accent.
    “What’s his name again?”
    The woman gave an over exaggerated sigh “You need to start remembering things like this! Ki-ri-to! Okay? Ki-ri-to O-sa-ka!”
    “Kirito Osaka. No need to be a b***h about it.” I heard the woman slap him and tried to wiggle out of the ropes that bound my wrists and ankles. Unfortunately, they didn’t budge an inch. I moved around and wiggled until I finally got the bag from over my head. It was dark in the trunk; I couldn’t see a single thing. I breathed in and out slowly, trying to keep calm. I couldn’t panic, I had to remain calm and think of a way out of this. I wished I knew a way out of this.
    The car stopped and I shrank to the back of the trunk, hoping they wouldn’t see me. This, I knew, was pointless. The trunk opened and I saw a blonde woman with a nose too big for her face and a blonde male with a long white scar along his neck. The woman sneered as she saw the bag removed from my head. I shivered as the man’s gaze slowly wandered along the length of my body.
    “Must’ve been awake for a while, huh.” The woman said, but didn’t even wait for an answer as she put it back over my head and hauled me out of the trunk. I tried to fight, but the next thing I felt was a sharp pain on the back of my head, and then nothing.

    If I related the room I was to anything, it would be a dungeon. Seriously, it had cobblestone walls, chains, hay, and even rusty bars. The sole window was too small for me to fit through and was all the way at the top of the wall, barely letting in any sunlight. My wrists and ankles were still tied, but at least the bag was no longer on my head.
    “Don’t be afraid.” A voice whispered in my head, unfamiliar in the way that the only vampire who ever spoke to me telepathically was Yumeji.
    “Of you or of what you’re going to do?” I asked aloud.
    He chuckled, and suddenly appeared right outside the bars “Of me, dear child. Because what I shall do to you, is something you should fear.” He had dark hair with a single white horizontal streak. He looked somewhere in his late forties.
    “What are you going to do me?” I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking.
    He shrugged “Nothing much, just ship you off to my employer. He’s the one you should fear,” the man smiled, “Enjoy your stay, though it won’t be a long one.” And just like that, he was gone.
    I sat there, staring at that cobblestone wall and thought of only two things. One, “Will Yumeji find me?” and “I won’t go down without a fight.”