• Chapters
    I-tineri flăcăul (young lad)
    II-juvenilă gândire (juvenile thinking)
    III-scrisoare de la tatăl (letter from father)
    IV-tineri dragoste (young love)
    V-Regula de bani (rule of money)
    VI-jocuri de noroc prinț (prince gamble)
    VII-hoții ochi (thieves eye)
    VIII-cuțite de măcelărie (butcher knives)
    IX-pasionat retur (pasionate return)
    X-rupere obligațiuni "hoax și răzbunare"(breaking chains "hoax and revenge" )
    XI-Noul nașul(new godfather)
    chapter I -tineri flăcăul (young lad)
    Every beginning has a new end,The never ending cycle of life.The life of a young lad out through the coast of Manfredonia, Up to the end of Italy.a song to my heart.The Venice canal that travels through out the city it self.the lights grew out of the building and into the slow calm waters,Seem so mortally satisfying in the eyes on of a child.The long travel that awaits me