• I stand at the end of a river...a grave for a friend. I drop to the ground and cry."Why!? Why did this happen to you Alex?! Why not me?! I was right by your side!" I said flashing back

    It was a sunny day. Me and Alex were in the woods near a river. A hunter sees us and shoots Alex and kills him instantly and I stand there waiting to be killed. The hunter left with out looking at me. all he said is."d*mn creatures ..." and vanished. look in the water and scream. I cant find his body, just blood. I stay at the grave for days wishing for him back.

    I stop thinking and cried more and more."Alex im sorry..." I whisper and stand.I walk back to my house next to the river and cry myself to sleep. I wake up and see a light. I walk to the light and see alex. he speeks in the most beautiful voice I have ever herd. he said to me" dont be sorry. its not your fault...." he smiled and vanished. I was confused but at peace. I went back to bed and forgave myself but never forgot what happened...ever...