• Chapter 1

    Xander awoke from the dreadful sound of the rooster. He forced himself out of his warm bed and dragged himself towards the wash bin, that was already filled with freezing cold water. He washed his face and looked at the reflection in the mirror.
    Standing before him was a boy of fifteen. His wavy black hair was disheveled from sleep, and his green eyes, the color of spring grass, was crusty from sleep. He was a well built lad, handsome perhaps. The village girls would giggle and whisper when he passed by. Admiring his beauty and charm.
    Xander sighed. He never liked pulling attention on himself. He always liked a quiet life, even his adopted parents, Zayn and Lydia, bragged about him to their friends way too much.
    Yes, Xander was adopted. Left outside Zayn's and Lydia's porch one winter day. The childless couple took him in and claimed him as their son. They always told Xander how special he was, and how much they loved him. But it wasn't till his thirteenth birthday that they finally told him who he really was. Not their son, just a stranger that just happened to be left on their porch and get adopted. But, he was grateful. Zayn and Lydia were the best parents a child could ask for
    Xander sighed again. His body was sore and bruised from yesterdays work at the farm. He picked and harvested every single crop, yet he was still only paid a meager amount.
    "Okay, come on. Get to work." Xander told himself. Not wanting to be late for work, he forced himself to get changed and eat his small breakfast. He walked out of his small log cabin, and began his day. Not knowing what will happen to him.