• A silhouette was running blindly in the woods at night. You could make out the shape of a little girl. She was scared, for she could hear the snarling of the wolves taunting her.
    'It's like their laughing at me.' She thought.
    The girl was coming up on a clearing and she thought it would mean safety. Just as she came to the edge, she tripped on a tree root, and there was a loud 'Snap!' and a howl of pain. The girl whimpered as she crawled to the middle of the clearing, only to be followed by the beasts.
    Finally she gave up, laid on her back, and closed her eyes, bracing herself for what was to come. But it never did . . . . She opened her eyes back up and found herself staring into yellow ones. It was one of a wolf.
    Her ankle was throbbing, and it caused her world to go dark. The last thing she feels is being dragged somewhere. . . .

    * ** * ** * **
    Back at her house, the parents noticed their child was missing. they frantically search in and around the house, but don't find anything. They go back inside to call the police, but there's no need. As soon as the mom picks up the phone, there's a knock on the back ddor. The parents go to the back patio to find their little girl passed out with a broken ankle. They wonder what happens, but they never find out. . . .