• The large wooden double doors of the high palace swung open as a man covered in a dark cloak stepped in. The sound of his boots hitting the floor echoed off the stone walls as he approached the thrones of the High King and Queen. Jareth stood next to his little brother Wynn at the side of his father. Jareth's father stood from his throne and spoke, his tenor voice broke the silence that filled the room, "What have you called us all here for, Kalin?"
    Kalin removed his hood revealing his raven black hair and glowing green eye's, the absence of pupils gave him the look of being blind. His eyes danced across the room as if looking for something. Then he found it, his gaze frozen on the young goblin king. Jareth raised a decorated eyebrow at the Fae standing in front of him. "I have seen a vision of a babe. A babe with an uneven gaze."
    Jareth stepped forward, "and what does this babe have to do with us?"
    "Everything. For I have never felt quite this much power from one so young. Except in one other case. Jareth, when your parents came to me asking about their first born I told them he would have powers untold." Kalin took a few steps closer to Jareth extending a hand to him. "And you, your majesty, have the powers I spoke of."
    The usually cocky King was now racking his brain trying to wrap his mind around the oracle's words. Jareth stretched out a gloved hand to Kalin, fitting his hand in his own. In a quick flash the images of Kalin's vision entered Jareth's mind and he could see everything as clearly as if it was happening in front of him now.
    A small blond baby girl lay in her crib nestled in her blankets for the night. As quick as that image was gone another came in it's place, this time the girl was slightly older. The toddler with the bouncing blond curls pulled herself to her feet for the first time. Jareth stared at the little girl's face in amazement, she had his eyes. One blue, one so dark it was nearly black; his own eyes were wide with shock. The next image was of the toddler sleeping peacefully in the arms of her mother. The girl's mother dropped the child's toy and turned to pick it up. All the dreaming Jareth had done about a moment like this could not even prepare him what what he saw. There in the vision holding his child was the Champion of his beloved Labyrinth.
    "Sarah," he spoke softly to himself as the oracle pulled away taking the vision with him. Jareth was dumbstruck and at a loss for words. The Champion of his labyrinth and the love of his life is the mother of his child. A smile dawned on the face of the young king as his parents watched him in confusion. "Do you know the name of the child?"
    Kalin smiled at the young king and nodded, "Ericka."