• Slowly a girl walked up to the door of the conference hall. Her brother right beside her, arm around her shoulder.

    "Maybe I shouldn't do this. What if they all start to gang up on me and try to put me under their control!?" the girl panicked and looked up at her brother. She had long dirty blond hair, hidden by her big fluffy coat. Her eyes were two different colors, right purple and left blue-violet, due to all of the other influence of other nations. Her coat was a light purple withe gray fur around the bottom of the coat and its hood. Also she had pail blue leggings on and big furry gray boots.

    "Don't worry, Akitla! I'm here for you!" He laughed and Akitla nuzzled closer to her brother as they walked inside the building.

    "Anuk... what do you do at one of these meetings?" she asked and looked up at her brother. Anuk had to think for a minute.

    "Well, we debate and one nation goes on about how he's the hero and how much he wants to eat fast food. Then world politics come up and then some more debating and then... just talking," he sighed. Akitla giggled a bit and walked a head of her brother. "Keep going straight and walk in. If anyone asks who you are just tell them what country you are. I'll be there in a minute." He waved and ran into the bathroom. She giggled and walked up to a large double door, slowly opening it and peeking in. What she saw scarred her a bit.

    "Damn COMMIE! Stop asking for people to be one with you! Its' disgusting!" a blond with blue eyes and a odd little curl on the top of his head yelled.

    "I am Russia. Who wouldn't want to be one with mother Russia?" the man, supposedly known as Russia, smiled a cruel and childish smile. At that moment she REALLY didn't want to go into the room. Akitla noticed another blond holding a polar bear and looking absolutely miserable. Finally she got up the courage and walked into the room, no one noticed her. Slowly she made her way over to the blond and the polar bear.

    "U-um, e-excuse me?" she asked and the blond turned slightly, confused.

    "Are you talking to me?" he asked and cocked his head to the side.

    "Yes... is that a bad thing?" Akitla whimpered. Was he angry at her?

    "No no no no no no! Um, I'm Canada! What's yours? I've never seen you here before," he smiled. Akitla blushed slightly and smiled back.

    "I-I'm Aki- I mean North Pole. Nice to meet you!" she blushed a bit at her almost mistake. Canada looked at her, shock on his face. Akitla only looked down. Of course no one would know her. She had NEVER gone to a meeting, she was always sick or something and was never able to go.

    "Nice to meet you! Why haven't I ever seen you at a meeting?" Canada asked and stood up. Akitla gaped at how tall he was and Canada was shocked at how short she was.

    "U-um, I'm u-usually s-sick and c-c-can't come to t-the meetings," she stuttered. Canada opened his mouth to say something but was quickly cut off.

    "Mathieu~!" a man yelled and glomped the Canadian. Both Canada and Akitla squeaked at the sudden appearance of the man.

    "Papa! D-don't s-scare me like that!" Canada gasped, but something else caught the mans attention. That something was actually a someone and was also the startled Akitla.

    "Ohonhonhonhon! Who is this petite little girl~? Is she, perhaps, little Mathieu's lover?" the man laughed, releasing the blond and handing Akitla a rose. She blushed and took the rose.

    "Um, papa... this is North Pole, North Pole... this is France," he smiled.

    "Ah~! I did not know a country could be so cute, aside from my Arthur and Mathieu~!" he cooed. Akitla's blush deepened. "What is your human name, lovely lady?"he asked and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

    "U-um, Akitla. Akitla Keelut," she answered shyly.

    "That a very pretty name," Canada smiled, "Mine's Matthew Williams."

    Yes, that is a beautiful name~!" he gasped, "Mine's Francis Bonnefoy, the master of L-O-V-E~!"

    "N-nice to m-meet you. Y-you m-might want t-to r-remove your a-arm, m-my brother i-is very overprotective," she laughed nervously and took a quick glance at the door. Her brother WAS very overprotective. Francis didn't remove his arm.

    "Hahaha! Francis! Who are you pestering today~?" another man joked. He had slightly curly brown hair and green eyes. Anikla looked at him, slightly curious who he is.

    "Antonio~! I am not pestering her, she clearly likes it~!" he cooed and placed a light kiss on top of her head. Akitla blushed. She was kind of flattered and more than a little creeped out about the Frenchman.

    "I, um, really think that you should, um, not d-d-d-do t-that! M-my bro-!?" she gasped as the double doors slammed open and revealed, none other, than a very pissed off Anuk.

    "FRANCIS!!!! WHAT THE ******** ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!! I'LL ******** KILL YOU, FOO!" Anuk exclaimed, going all Mr.T on France. Akitla stared at her brother with wide violet and blue violet eyes. France tightened his grip on Akitla and Canada wished he was invisible.

    "What are you going to do, hm~? I don't think that a lovely lady should be around such a bad mouthed brat like you!" France hissed.

    "U-um, p-please d-don't f-fight, b-brother!" Akitla whimpered and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. Anuk froze and immediately felt guilty, but soon his anger grew out of proportions.

    "YOU MOTHER ********!!!!!! LET MY SISTER THE ******** GO!!!!!!" he yelled and quickly was at his sisters side, trying to get Francis away from her, but France kept a tight grip. Then America popped in. WHACK! An unconscious France now lay at Anuk's feet. "Thanks, America," he muttered.

    "No problemo, dude! I do this because..."

    "Don't say it, Alfred," Anuk warned.

    "IM THE HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed and did a hero pose. Akitla stared, horrified at the American. She had figured out who America was and now she wished even more that she hadn't come to the meeting. Alfred leaned towards her and she stepped back a bit.

    "Touch my sister and you die," South Pole warned and sent a killing glare in the American's direction.

    "I want a reward for saving you," he laughed.

    "SCARY~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed and ran behind Anuk. Alfred stood there, stunned and a bit depressed. All of a sudden he was in an 'emo corner'.

    "It's okay. All American's are like that. Well, at least thats what Australia told me," he wondered and looked around at the crowd they had not noticed.

    "WHO ARE YOU TWO!!!!!!!!!???????" England yelled and pointed at the two.

    "I'm the ******** South Pole! How did you not know that!? I come to all the ******** meetings!" Anuk snarled. Akitla slowly inched herself away and was soon next to Canada.

    "Is it a-always like this?" she asked and looked up at the Canadian. He shook his head.

    "Not always. Sometimes it's between France and England or America and Russia," he sai in an obvious attempt to make her feel better. Matthew failed epically.

    "Y-you m-mean t-there a-are a lot o-of fights!?" she squeaked. Matthew began to panic when he saw tears start to well up in the corner of the girls eyes.

    "Um, n-not all the t-time! O-Oh! P-please d-don't c-cry!" Canada whimpered and tried to calm down the crying nation.

    "I know who you are you bloody GIT! Who is that girl... where did she go?" Arthur wondered and looked around. Anuk gasped and spun around in circles trying to find his little sister. Akitla latched herself to Matthew in a tight hug, Canada was lightly patting her head.

    "YOU! Get away from my little sister!!!!!!!" he yelled and tackled the stunned Canadian.

    "Wa... eeep!" he squeaked as he hit the ground with a very heavy nation on top of him.

    "Ngh... my head hurts. Hmm~?" France looked at the two nations. Anuk had Matthew's collar in his hands and was violently shaking the poor boy and Canada was stuttering out apologies that were barely audible due to the amount of shaking.

    "Brother! Please stop!" Akitla wailed and tried to pull her brother off of Canada.

    "Vous stupide sale gosse! Descends de mon Mathieu cet instant!" France snarled and ripped the stunned nation off of the whimpering Canadian.

    "What in the bloody hell did you just say!?" Arthur growled at the Frenchman. France sighed.

    "I said: 'You stupid little brat! Get off of my Mathieu this instant!'. You are so dumb headed, Angleterre," he sighed and dropped the boy onto the ground and helped Matthew to his feet. Akitla was sobbing on the ground. She wished she had never come to the meeting. She hated fighting and yelling and anything that could hurt a person. That why she had never joined any of the wars. Also she was always sick, another reason why she didn't get into any of the wars.

    "Ow... stupid French b*****d!" Anuk groaned from his spot on the ground. Then everyone noticed Akitla, a sobbing wreck on the ground. "Ah! Akitla! Are you okay? Did I do something?" he panicked and rushed over to his little sister. Canada and France also went to her side. Everyone was confused as to why France and Canada rushed over but soon just shrugged it off and went back to what they were doing.

    "Hmph! You started the problem!" Francis growled and pulled Akitla into a hug.

    "You started this. If you hadn't had you filthy hands on my sister I wouldn't have been so angry!" Anuk retorted. After about half an hour the real meeting started. Akitla had stopped crying but she had gotten a fever. She didn't tell her brother, he would leave the meeting and take her home, but she new that if she did stay here her fever would get worse. When she sat down in her chair she tried to act as invisible as possible. Sadly, that did not work to her advantage. Soon a large shadow appeared in front of her and began to sit down. Out of instinct she kicked the person in the butt as hard as she could. Sending the person over the table and into the nearest wall. Everyone gaped at her strength.

    "EEP! U-um, A-Akitla! T-that was R-Russia!" Canada squeaked. She only gave him a weird look.

    "U-u-um, s-s-so?" she asked. America was now out of his 'emo corner' and laughing at Russia.

    "MWAHAHAHA! Dude, you just got pushed into a wall by a chick,"America said through hysterical laughs. Ivan picked himself up off the floor and made his way over to Akitla and placed a hand on her forehead.

    "EEEEP! DON'T HURT ME!" she squeaked and tried to pull away but was already backed up into the chair.

    "You have a fever, Da?" he whispered and sat down in the chair next to her.

    "N-no! I'I d-don't have a f-fever!" she stammered. Ivan only smiled. Suddenly a very, um, well chested woman sat down next to her.

    "OH! Who are you? I'm Ukraine! You can call my Katyusha! Oh! You don't look so good!" she gasped and cupped Akitla's face in her hands, making her squeak.

    "U-um, h-hello. I'm N-North P-Pole. Y-you can c-call me A-Akitla," she smiled. and Ukraine released her face and patted her on the top of the head.

    "Nice to meet you!" she giggled and glanced at her brother who seemed very somewhat depressed. "Aww~! What happened little Ivan?" she cooed and leaned over Akitla to look at her brother, almost suffocating the girl in the process.

    "Nothing~!" he smiled at Ukraine. "I think you are suffocating the girl," he pointed out and Katyusha gasped, pulling away quickly. North Pole gasped for breath. This was going to be a long day.