• FANISTY- "What are you doing?"( said waking up to Damien crouched down in a bush)
    DAMIEN-"Staking Fanisty duh but I lost sight of her......" (Damien turns around Fanisty stares at him menistly)
    FANISTY- "Hmm really"
    DAMIEN- "Uh-Oh" (Grines nervessly) um hi Fan whatcha doing?"
    FANISTY-"Well im about to kick a sertin guy to next week or would you rather i burn you butt?"(with a fire ball in her hand) (Alexander shows up)
    ALEXANDER- "Whoa girl put the fire out whats going on and why are you here Damien?"
    DAMIEN- "Lol long story which we can talk about latter so..."(Fanisty interupsts)
    FANISTY- " Damien her was following me tonight and i was telling him how i was going to help him sleep tonight."
    ALEXANDER- "Thats not nessesary I'll do it for you." (smiles and cracks him knuckes)
    DAMIEN- "Oh look ar the time i should be geting back to Josh Bye"(Leaves falling and triping on his way)
    (Fanisty and Alexander laugh)
    FANISTY- "Omg what so you think he was trying to find out." (whips her eyes)
    ALEXANDER- " Who knows and I dont care." (puts arm around Fanisty)
    FANISTY-(blushes) "Yea well we should be going we dont want to miss the movie."
    ALEXANDER-"Yea your right but i want to try something."
    FANISTY- "lol and what is that?"
    ALEXANDER- "You'll see I hopw i can do it." (resites greek spell)
    FANISTY- "Omg where in the movie theater in line for snacks!"
    FANISTY-(Hugs Alexander and kisses him on the cheek) "Thats so great im proud of you."
    (People stareat them wondering where they came from0
    FANISTY- "Woops we have a few spectedors"
    ALEXANDER- "Umm ladies and gentalmen that was a little trick for your entertanment hope you enjoyed it and enjoy your movie!" (Laughing the whole way Fanisty and Alexander go to theater 8 and find some seats)
    FANISTY- " Omg Alex way to think on your feet."
    ALEXANDER- "Thank Fan."
    FANISY- " OOO the movie is starting
    (Alexander abd Fanisty whach the movie and go back home)