• Komuro came to his seat next to me. He sighed as he laid a bunch of love letter on his desk. "Love letters, huh?" I teased. He sighed again. I picked them up and looked through them "Wow, even the snooty girls are hung over you! You're pretty popular!" I said, impressed. He sighed again. I sat on his desk "What's wrong, batman?" I asked. He laughed, but it died quickly "Just a little tired." he said. I patted him on the head "Than, I'm sorry to say, you better run." I said. "Why?" he asked. "There's a crowd of girls ready to break down the door." I said. He looked, I wasn't lying. "Good luck." I saluted him, and sat in my own seat as the door swung open and girls hounded Komuro. The guys were pissed. Mrs. Hayashi came to Komuro's rescue. "Girls, get in your seats. Everyone else, go to your own class room!" she yelled. The girls were unhappy, but did as the teacher said. Komuro was a mess. He looked the same as last time, but worse. I tried not to laugh. "It seems Komuro might need to go to the nurse's office." Mrs. Hayashi said when Komuro fell out of his chair. "Who would like to take him?" she asked all the girl's hands went up but mine, I was too busy trying not to laugh. Some guys rose their hands, but not all of them. You could almost see the wheels turning in Mrs.Hayashi's head as she went over all the girls. She knew most of them would hound him, so when she saw me without my hand raised she went for it "Mai! could you please take Komuro to the Nurse's office?" she asked. "Sure." I said, although it came out in giggles. I helped him up and out the door. As soon as the door closed I burst out in laughter. "You're so cruel, Mai." he groaned. I did my best not to laugh all the way to the nurse's office. I opened the door, the nurse wasn't in. He sat him on the white bed. I stood back up. "Just wait here until the nurse comes. "Wait." Komuro said, grabbing my hand. "What?" I asked. He pulled me onto his lap. "Did you get home alright yestarday?" he asked. I could tell he wanted to say something else, but couldn't. "Um, yeah." I said, fidgeting. I had never been on someone's lap before. "I should go, I was only supposed to take you here." I said. "No!" Komuro said. He put on the bed, he loomed over me with his hands on either side of me. "Komuro?" I said, my heart hammering, my breath shakey. "What am I to you?" he asked. The question caught me off guard. "I-I-" I tried to say. He clenched the blanket beside me. "Say it!" he said. "I don't know!" I yelled. He began to tremble. He lied down on top of me, his head above my shoulder next to my head. "Damnit. What is wrong with me?" he whispered. I held my breath. "Why you? Why you?" he whispered. My heart beat so hard, I was afraid he would hear it. "I can feel it. You're heart beating I mean." he whispered. I blushed "It's not my fault!" I said. "I never said it was." he whispered. He lifted his head, letting our forehead stouch. He had a faraway look in his eyes. "If you don't give a real answer, I am going to kiss you." he told me. "I don't know!" I whispered. "That's not a real answer" he said and leaned toward my lips. The door swung open, and in walked the nurse. "Hey!" she said. After that, I went back to class, but with a question for myself. What is Komuro to me?

    Next, Black moon 7