• User Image.......BEEEP,PEEEEEEEEEEEP,SHMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!....................."*blink,blink*....I AWAKE ALREADY DAMNIT!!!!!!" _____ yelled. "Ya know, you should NOT break yer alarm clocks any longer or else yer mom will get mad..." (enter best friend's name here) said.......silence..............more silence..........."BUT WHYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!??!?!?!" "BECAUSE I SAID SO!". Just then you both heard something break. "W-what was that?" ____ asked. "WHY DONT YOU ASK IT THEN!!!!! scream "........."You dont have to yell you know rolleyes ." "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" You both heard your 2nd best GUY friend yell.You both ran down stair to see the most WEIRDEST(to your friend) and the most SADDEST(to you) thing everrrr.... . whee ... Your (fave. food) was all over the ground and (2nd best GUY friend name here) was on the in the corner.....being a idiot....as usual....."W-what have you done to my precious FOOD!?!?! crying '" ...................silence................."ummm *nervous laugh here* welll you see I was gonna get a popsicle...."IN THE MORNING!?!?!"....."and a mouse was in here so I grabbed your food and threw it at it....pretty good idea eh?!" "YOU EVIL (BAD WORD HERE)!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMMA GONNA KILLLLLL YOU!!!!!!!! scream " .......*boom, smash, girly scream*........ "My work here is done! biggrin " ................ "WHY, WHY WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!" was all you heard before going back to sleep. Little did you know your first best friend was in the closet...... eatin yer food.... 4laugh !!!!!!!!!!! THE END!!!!!!!!!

    "ooooo, *friend nameee* come out, come out, where ever you areeee" you said.
    'oooooh crap!' she thought.
    "my work here is done" you said.