• Where should I begin? Maybe I Should Start with the middle then go to the end then the beginning coming back to the middle like Star Wars did? No I would just get confused and lost writing it down, so I will start with the start at the beginning of the story.
    Back when I was young the world was full of crazy things like Wizards, Vampires and werewolf’s, And no I’m not talking about Harry Potter and Twilight so get those thoughts out of you head right now this is my story and they are not in it! Okay maybe they are a little but just forget I said anything until I get to there part okay? Okay. Now back to MY story of when I was young. I grow up in a sea of trees. My parents left me when I was 13 something about my need to spread my wings and fly as they where pushing me out of the tree house. When I woke and climbed the three foot ladder and found a note saying they left for Las Vegas and our good family friend T.V. Would watch over me. Now I bet your all thinking how could a T.V. watch someone, we T.V. isn’t that kind of T.V, T.V. is bat who got hit with lighting after everyone thought he was dead and had his grave all dogged he awoken with a new found power. He could hear Radio Waves. So he would tell us what he would hear. He was the best television we had until two weeks later a plane dropped a 4D TV in the village, Yeah that’s right a 4D TV….huh what’s that? They don’t have 4D TVS? Well keep quit my readers will never know if you don’t say anything. T.V was mad as three craps about to be eaten. So anyway I didn’t really have a lot of friends, the many reasons why where no one wanted to pay the friend tax and not wanting to fill out the 36 page friend request form. My quote unquote friends where Larry the Wolf who really is a fox. Edwardo the Christmas Worm tree. And his older half brother Tim the Tower Clock. Ed and Tim had the same dad who was a tree. After Edwardo was born there dad was cut down and turned into this chair that I am sitting in right now. Yeah I know, but in my defense he does make a nice chair and the price was good, beside they really come to visit him. And finally there was $400 Turtle. I know what your thinking why is a turtle $400? Well he was missed marked and the workers where to lazy to change the price tag that and they painted onto his shell so I would be kind of hard to change. They flushed him into our crappy little sea of trees with we called Super Ultimate City is Kool I Tunes, or SUCK IT for short. What you think im joking google it, go headed I dare you, but remember if you put this book down before your done reading every single word in it Obama is going to be president of four more years. That’s what I thought now sit your @ $ $ back down and pick back up with the word after this dot. There are other fiends I could talk about but huh yes I know I spelt fiend and not friend. Are you going to comment of everything I type? You are? Well you cant, why not you ask well that’s because this isn’t face book. There I said it sue me. Well that I all got for this fun story, great you again? What do you mean I’m done and it not even a page long? Im a crappy write you got a profile with it don’t read anymore of my storys then smart one. Your not? Well good because I didn’t want you to read them anyway. Some people drive me crazy with you spelled that wrong and you cant say that. Oh I forgot you where still here sorry about that reader….. Well we will see you next time, I know it’s a book and I cant see you, you act like im dumb or something.