• Black Blood ch.6 return home for a memory that never leave

    After returning from the sea, hagi was seen by nanashi and tashi, to take him home, after hagi reach his home, he ask nanashi to call him later with a grim, which give nanashi got the goosebumps,after hagi enter the house, nanashi and tashi leave to go home.
    Nanashi: gah! that guy gives me the creeps, i can't believe he is the older brother of nana,but worse i heard a rumor bout him but i don't know if its true, but i heard he love his sister more then silbling love....
    Tashi: what do u mean?
    Nanashi: uh..um.. i tell u later when u are older ok tashi, sooo lets head back, shall we, it's almost dinner time, hehehe....
    Tashi:....[blink stare]
    so nanashi and tashi had final reach their home, and was greeted by the maids, their dinner was ready for them when they enter the dining room, the dinning room was nice and beautful, the walls were painted a dark red color with pictures hanging, the pictures were random picture of people and things, and the lights in the ceiling were crystals and in the middle of the room is a long table that the rich people have, and there's a jacket hanger in one cornder of the room and there some music playing, the music that was playing was hard core metal rock,with mix of screamo and emo, goth, punk and some soft rock, music, now nanashi sat on the far side of the table where there's a big glass window is behind him, and tashi sat on the other side of the table with a big fame picture is behind her, the fame picture that hung behind is a picture of nanashi as a small boy hold a ball, and is outside of some sort of midow grass field with a hollow tree and a far away lake in the background, the face of the young boy nanashi look kinda sad and inncent.nanashi and tashi started eatting there dinner before it got cold,then after nanashi was done with his dinner, he ask one of his maids to go get him a bottle of red wine,nanashi then relax by putting his feet on the table and lending back a bit to relax, it looks as if he was lending on one chair leg, and it looks he might fall backwards at any min but he is not, he was smileing as if he was thinking of something good, tashi got out of her chair, and went to this fire place that was in the next room next to the long table,there was no doors to that room, for u can see the fireplace from where tashi was sitting, tashi got close to the fire place and saw some picture fame of nanashi, as a young boy and a picture of him with some friends and the picture that mostly caught tashi's eye was a picture with a crack in it as if it got almost broken, the picture was of nanashi in the same age now but little younger, with a girl, dress in a black dress, and hair of gold, tie in pig tails, her hair was very long and kinda curly, tashi could'nt see the face clear because it look kinda burned or something some what cut out face, tashi was looking at it, the picture was dating 1888 this picture is kinda a shock to tashi, which she could'nt tell how old nanashi is now, but he look so young, tashi thought to herself, hmm, i guess that how vampires are, but he is a kresnik a vampire who feeds off of other vampires and they live out the motal lives first then start the the vampire life and somewhat change age a little or something, i don't know alot bout there kind,they are diffent then my clan the youkai.
    nanashi have gotta his red wine and pour it in a wine glass, it was too thick to be wine and it was a dark red color, almost to the color of blood, in fact it was blood that nanashi was drinking, after sitting the bottle down, he slowly brings the glass to his lovely, dark lips of his, and slowly his lips were place on the glass and start to drinking slowly, and some of the wine slip from his black rose lips and coming towards his chin and dripping, he puts the glass down and takes a napkin to his lips and wipe it clean and his chin, then he look up towards tashi, and smile and did a soft laugh.
    Nanashi:hehe.. looking at some of my old pictures are u tashi, feel free to ask any question if u want, i'll glad to answer them..[smiling soft]
    Tashi surprised k.. nanashi who this girl in the picture with u, with the blonde hair, this picture is dated back in the 1888, her face i can't see it clear, look like it was burned out or something![tashi spoke in a quiet voice]
    Nanashi just stay quiet for a bit, then look up, he was angry, and then he throw his glass at the cornder of the door fame towards the fireplace, the glass shattered to pieces on the ground and red wine went everywhere and he started to yell.
    Tashi was scary, and confuse, she thought to herself, i did'nt do anything bad, worried and sad, she ran out the room and up the stairs to her room crying, and she stayed there the whole night.
    Nanashi was very upset, he quick walk away from the dining room and told his maids to clean the mess up, he walks to his room and shut the door and lock it, not to bug by anyone or anything, he walk across his room toward his big night window and on the way to his window he grab a picture fame, and he sat next to the window, and stared at the picture, it was the same picture that tashi saw but in this one, its just the girl, but her face u can see it clearly,nanashi stare at it and tears start rolling down his cheeks and spoke softly.
    Nanashi: why?...why are u haunting me for,why this memory coming back, its all my fault, but why can't i move forward, its all my fault, its all my fault.
    why was nanashi crying and who is this girl he is talking bout and what was his fault?