• Chapter(s)

    Unheeded Advice

    Samuel set his cup down. "Three years... It was not long ago, but I feel as if I had aged a million decades!" He leaned back and massaged his stomach, still feeling hungry.
    Mikael snorted. "Then you'd be dead by now! We would have five less mouths to feed, with the way YOU eat." Beside him, Joshua snickered into his soup, and was repaid with smack to the head. He grabbed the brunette's hair and pulled, flipping Samuel onto ground beside the fire. He grunted then proceeded to hold him in a head lock.
    There was the sound of a horn and the three looked up to see a man of their age peering down at them. "N-Nikolai?!"


    Nikolai sat across from Mikael with only the burning fire between them. He was only 16, but the weariness of war and constant travel showed through the ever present scowl on his face.
    "So, how long has it been? Three months? Four? Five?" Nikolai clenched his cup tightly and looked down at his cup, as if the answers were lurking in its depths. Mikael narrowed his eyes and again, tried to try to force words out of him. "You left without a word. All because of some phrase a dying thief told us," He spat. "Well, did you find anything? You need to forget; you know that! We can't rely on thieving to get food. You should be aware that all that man said were lies-" Nikolai abruptly cut him off with his deep and monotone voice. It was cold, calculating, and sent involuntary shivers down Mikael's back.
    "I found them." Nikolai's violet eyes flashed with some vague emotion, but was gone before Mikael could see it. "Our own king attacked us."
    Mikael's eyes widened, and he clenched his fists. He asked the most important question of all.