• But then rite after Charlie let go of Alene she said, "Charlie I have the power to heal but that doesnt mean I cant take it back." What did that mean. But then I felt I bad pain. I looked at Alene and it was as if dust was flowing from me to her. Then when what ever she was doing was done. I fell to the ground. I saw my hair it had turned black, my original color but there where a few white streaks.
    I looked at Charlie and he was tring to strangle the lady I looked at Tony and he not in here. Where did he go? I tried to get up but I couldnt move. I looked at Charlie he was on the ground I looked at his hand and saw a wood stake in it. "Charlie." I whispered.
    Then the lady came towards me. "Hello I'm Alene, I'm going to do these boys and I a favor."She said. What was she going to do. She then raised another knife she was going to kill me. I closed my eyes waiting but when I didnt feel anything I opened my eyes. I saw Tony. He bit her neck. I saw Tonys face. His eyes they red. His face looked different. "Tony."I whispered. He heard me. And when he looked at me he stopped. He let go of Alene and came over to me.
    "Im sorry you had to see that.''He said. "It's okay."I said. He help me stand up but when I did I almost fell back down. I put one hand over his shoulder. We quickly went over to Charlie. Tony pulled the stake out of his hand. He got up. "What do we do about her?"Charlie said. "Huh. Oh my gosh. What have you done."I looked over to see another lady. "Charlene."I heard Charlie say.
    "She will be fine she tried to kill us. We had to do something."Tony said. Charlene went over to her sister. "Go! I will try to keep her here she will try again. Just go."She said. "Thank you."I said.
    Then we left. "Where do we go know?"Tony asked. "The sun, its rising."I said. "Lets go in the woods. There might be a cabin out there or something."Charlie said.
    We started to head for the woods. As we were walking I stopped. I touched my neck and there was blood.''Tony, Charlie."I said. They looked at me. "What happened?"Tony asked. "I dont know it just started bleeding."I said. "Its Alene shes returning what she took from her. So what she healed shes giving it back."Charlie said.
    I felt my knees give out. I fell on the ground. I felt my eyes starting to close my eyes. Before I knew it I blacked out.

    Tony went quickly over to Jamie. He chacked her pulse to see if she was still brething. She was alive. Tony picked her up. "Ok lets keep going."I said. We started runnung very quick when we reached a cabin.
    I openind it up. It was a little dusty inside but it will work. Tony sat her on the couch. "Charlie I'm going back to the house there is blood there I will get some for us because its been a while since we both had blood."He said. I nodded. Then he left.
    I looked at Jamie. She looked in bad shape. Weak. I had an idea but I wasnt sure if I should do it. I could give her some blood of mine. It would not turn her into one but could get a system going again because she lost blood.
    The question was how should I give it to her? I got a knife. I cut my hand. I put it up to her mouth. She would not sollow it she was unconcious still and probley wouldnt want to sollow anything.
    How was I going to do this. I let my hand heal for a moment. Think I told myself. I looked at her again. She was starting to wake up. She opened her eyes. "What happened?"She asked. "You blacked out for a while."I said.
    I looked at her. Her hands were on her face. "Are you ok?"I asked her. "No Im not. The voice its telling me something. But I cant do that. I wont."She said. "What is it."I asked. "They want me to do this because I'm weak and lost a lot blood all ready. They.....want me to...To..To take..Blood."She said.
    "Take some of mine."I said. "What? No I couldnt do that."She said. But it was to late I made a cut in my hand already. I walked up to her. "No."She said. "Just take some. You wont turn into a vampire. It will make you feel better."I said to her. She wasnt going to take it. I got over it. I walked up to her. She tried to push me away. But i grabbed her hands. I put my hand up to her mouth. She would not open it.
    She was so styborn. I looked at her. She had her head in her hands again. ''Jamie. Just take some it wont kill you."I said. She did not answer me. She looked up at me. She was staring at myhand that I had cut.
    I looked at her eyes. They were the same. But there was something different aboout her. She was still starting at my hand. I brought it up to her mouth. She drank it.
    TO BE CONTINUED.........