• Let it burn....let it burn.

    one,two,three;however many it takes...it doesn't matter we're in deep already.
    So deep we can't pull ourselves out the old black mucky water, made of our own dead.
    So we continue,and never stop.
    I gripped my hand tightly around the syringe,now stabbing deep into my arm. It's blood red contents began to pour into my veins. Craze, the substance everyone had and everyone did. It makes us stronger and more willing to fight. Some of us use it so much they've changed over the years. Their bodies have adapted to it and even need it to live. Following this need their bodies changed, and they've formed extra veins with nothing but craze running through them.The only adverse side affects are when you are off of it your vision is blurred,your weak,and basicaly all your senses and reflexes are dulled.Though it is very seldom we are ever off it.
    I quickly pulled the syringe out of my arm. Blood had already began dripping out the
    tiny hole made from the needle. I looked around everything was quiet and peaceful. We had not encountered war for many years. No one wanted to fight us, they new it be a blood bath. Our city held more craze and people than any other. I looked around patiently;i was waiting for it, that one quiet encounter that broke the silence. A bell rang out loud, and the streets were filled with people trying to get where they needed to be before the bell rang again. This was a law; meant to stop violence in the city. The craze caused an almost uncontrollable urge to fight, and sometimes thats what they'd do.Lose control and attack the nearest thing to them.
    I was set on guard. I could control myself when I was on craze....well at least more than the average person.Every day was the same thing. I'de get up,wave goodbye to my empty house,wait on guard, and go home. Every once in a while a fight broke out, and i'de have to take care of that. Though besides that it was the same.
    I looked down thinking of the past. I was only fourteen,but I lived no normal life. Things were much better when I was a kid. Things seemed to move, instead of stand still like it does now. Every day was something new, or something old that I never grew tired of. I looked up and watched the people walking in a crowded line,"Those days are over." I said to myself.

    I woke up ubruptly,sweat pouring down my face,the lights of day had not reached my home,"What's going on?" I thought to myself. Something wasn't right. Ever since my parents death, when my life stopped moving forward, I had not woken up in the middle of the night. Something was happening,and I had an uncontrolable urge to find out what.
    I crept through the room and looked out the window. It was silent and nothing moved. The night concealed all that could be seen during the day. I stare out at the small pathway waiting for something to move. I waited for what seemed like thirty minutes, and then...nothing. I shook my head,"It's just in your head;go back to sleep." Thought even though I told myself to;my body disobeyed. Soon the moment that broke thge silence occured,
    "Hey shut her up!"A guard whispered angrily.
    I watched as two guards came into the picture. They were holding a bound figure. It was dark,but from what I could tell it was a girl.I didn't know what I was doing, but I shot up and ran to stop them. I quickly injected myself with craze, and burst out the door headed right for the guards.Times like these I lose myself, and before I knew it I was standing next too a tied up girl and two knocked out guards. Blood dripped from both of their heads. The girl was still struggling to get out of her bonds. I looked down at her completely lost,"What now?" I thought to myself. Before I could think other wise I picked her up and went in my house.
    I brought her in and set her down on an empty chair. For a moment I thought not of her bonds, and stared at her wondering what was going on,what I was doing,but more importantly who was she and why was she held captor by guards of the city,"maybe they weren't real guards." I thought to myself.I took another look at her. Suddenly life came back to her. She began to thrash around violently. I grabbed her and quickly pulled off the cloth gagging and blinding her. That was when I got my first good look at her. She had tan skin,green eyes, and she looked....different.
    The moment her eyes adjusted and she could see me, she took action. She quickly kicked her foot at me. I recoiled away, not getting touched by her feet,"Wait i'm not..." Though before I could finishe my sentence she knocked me over. The moment I opened my eyes she was on top of me holding a knife to my neck, free of her bonds. I stared at her in shock; she had missed me on purpose, her real target was the knife I forgot I carried with me, and in the blink of an eye she managed to use that knife to break her bonds and force me to the ground.I caught my breathe.She growled and raised the knife,ready to end my life