• It was a cold day,
    When nobody did play.
    When everyone was odd,
    And then suddenly I met a man named Todd.
    Todd Jones,
    Who was quite weird,
    One thing about him, he hated phones!
    And he was always feared.

    One day we dated,
    And then he proposed to me and I hated,
    Him, because I fainted.

    And then when I woke up,
    I thought I was tainted!
    Because I woke up in his bed,
    And then he said, "'Sup?",
    And then I hit him on his head.
    He was lying next to me,
    Wearing nothing,
    Nude, and messy-haired,
    And it looked like he really cared,
    For me......
    He asked me if there was something,
    Something wrong,
    I looked at him and realized what must of happened,
    That something was sex.
    And he stared at me like I was a hex.
    Right before I did,
    And then he, like, shut his lid...
    And turned his head away,
    And I blushed cause I wasn't nude,
    And I realized this was too weird to go on about.....

    How weird,
    Now I really, really, feared, his messy-haired,
    Self... That bad man Todd Jones.
    Who likes to kill phones......

    The End Of Chapter One.

    Till next time!!!!!