• Gunners #11 Break time summer

    huff huff huff

    bang bam bang bam bang!

    Hakuru: ah!


    Hakuru: why you!!

    Isn't this fun?

    Hakuru: get out of my dream!

    Why don't you love me when I loved you?

    Hakuru: ah! Ngah! I've givened up love long ago!

    Then what about this girl...

    Hakuru: ah... V?!

    V: get out of here... ah...



    V was sleeping on her shoulder as Hakuru woke up

    Hakuru: ah... I hate nightmares...

    say cheese!

    Hakuru: what?!

    Yamota takes a picture

    Hakuru: why you-

    Yamota: don't worry I took on everyone too, besides your the only one I could get the romantic couple anyway

    Hakuru: Yamota....

    Yamota: you should be quiet a bit more shes sleeping you know?

    Hakuru: oh...

    Yamota: you love her don't you?

    Hakuru: what? What are you talking about?

    Yamota: it's written all over your face

    Hakuru: I given up love a long time ago Yamota

    Yamota: is it because your parents?

    Hakuru: maybe, I don't know, maybe because I'm a clone, since my parents died I don't know who I could love

    Yamota: what about V? Come on you got some feelings for V don't you?

    Hakuru: well I....

    Yamota: come on tell me, it will be a secret between you and me promise

    Hakuru: fah.... fine

    Hakuru: started when you guys started to attack me, when I first met V I felt something inside of her which was like me, I thought she was the same as me though.... although her feelings.... are like mine, the more I fought with her the more my feelings get to her, she saved me I saved her and then... I always start to blush whenever I see her....

    Yamota: wow this is pretty big huh?

    Hakuru: yeah....

    Yamota: I know! How about dressing up as a normal girl huh? And V will like you heaps more!

    Hakuru: you really don't understand do you?

    Yamota: come on it will be great! How about this V will dress up as a girl too how about that?

    Hakuru: nope

    Yamota: come on

    Hakuru: ill... think about it....

    meanwhile at the Gunners world

    Saya: ahh.... son of a b***h... what a hangover...
    she takes out a packet of cigaret and lights one up

    Saya: is this the right thing to do? Am I doing whats right...?

    Aja: hey

    Saya: Aja?

    Aja: hey.... wanna take a walk with me?

    Saya: ahh sure..

    meanwhile outside

    Aja: sorry what I said before you okay?

    Saya: umm yeah...

    Aja: the damages should take about a week to finish so it will take awhile for us to take it back up again

    Saya: what about the Gunners?

    Aja: they're all pretty injured but its a good thing none of them died though

    Saya: odd... Hakuru and the others would of just killed them already

    Aja: true...

    Saya: how about the HellsBound Crisis gang?

    Aja: well Rev is sleeping by now Ritz is on a hangover a bit.... and well for them, the Gunner council are about to execute them

    Saya: for what?

    Aja: well... violating Gunners law, spreading symbols around the walls, beating other Gunner users and even so, tolerated the Gods...

    Saya: when are they executing them?

    Aja: in about now...


    Rev: ah!

    Ritz: Rev you've been hit!

    Rev: its nothing ah! These aren't any bullets they're sucking out our immortality!
    Ritz: its gonna take time for Yoko to open the gate!

    Rev: ah! Lora!

    Lora: hey!

    She holds a sniper rifle on her hands

    Lora: there's too many of them!

    Rev: I shouldn't of trust those ******** Nazi squad s**t heads!

    Ritz: stay still I'm gonna take it out!

    Rev: no! Ah!

    Pence: I'm out of ammo!

    Dida: same!

    Rev: ah!

    Ritz: s**t! Wait a minute...

    Rev: crap! Ritz wheres your group?

    Ritz: ah....

    NO! NAH! AHH!!!!

    she was ripped in half and the others been slaughtered and shot down

    Ritz: no....

    Yoko: ah!

    Lora: its open lets go!

    Rev: Ritz! Lets go!

    Ritz: ah.... damn it!

    They all went through as they escaped with wounds

    meanwhile back in theh uman world

    Ritz: AHH!!! s**t!

    Lora: Ritz calm down!
    Ritz: how can I?! They killed my friends there!

    Rev: Ritz... we've all been killed once... remember?

    Ritz: yeah... I remember....

    Rev: nothings going to solve anything with anger... s**t... boss doesn't need us anymore...

    Rain: aww.. no more rockets left...

    Downfall: yeah...

    Rev: ah... s**t

    Dida: what now?

    Rev: hm what would Hakuru do huh...?

    Dida: what?

    Ritz: going through Hakuru's methods huh?

    Rev: alright I'm the leader so you guys better do what I say! We're gonna build a home!

    Ritz: a home?

    Rev: a home we're gonna live! Besides we need new clothes too! So at night we're gonna steal em!

    Ritz: is that so...?

    Rev: yeah! Anyways since the boss doesn't need us anymore we're free right? We get to do what the hell we want we'll need to disguise ourselves, you know? A bit of a change

    Ritz: your acting as if your human

    Rev: whatever girl! Come on! Lets go! Besides its been awhile since i've changed when I was a girl

    Ritz: ah hey hold up!

    Rev: ah....

    meanwhile outside

    Yamota: alright change into this! And that! And this!

    Hakuru: actually I like this green jacket

    Yamota: that's the green jacket you've bought three years ago

    Hakuru: oh come on green used to be my favorite color

    Yamota: color that color this! Come on!

    Hey I... would like this dress please

    Owner: yes that would be five hundred yen

    ah! are you kidding?!

    Owner: well ahh

    Hakuru: umm excuse m-

    Rev: what do the hell do you wa-

    she turns around as she sees Hakuru surprisingly

    Hakuru: Rev?

    Rev: ah... what the hell do you want Hakuru?

    Hakuru: what are you doing here?

    Rev: what am I doing here? That's none of your freaking business


    She leaves off

    Hakuru: wait hold on a sec Rev!

    Yamota: ah sorry we'll be right back!

    Hakuru: hold on Rev!

    She holds her arm

    Rev: ah! Let me go! Its like your a ******** rapist or something!

    Hakuru: wait a sec... is that a wound? Who did this?

    Rev: why should you care?! We're enemies remember?!

    Hakuru: shut up I don't care about that! Was it Aja?! Was it Saya?! Was it the Gunners Council?!

    Rev: just leave me alone I can handle this myself!

    She runs off as Hakuru stood there
    Yamota: ah.... huff damn your fast

    Hakuru: Rev...

    Rev: huff huff damn it!

    Ritz: oh hey

    Rev: umm hey

    Ritz: what are you hiding?

    Rev: um, oh nothing...

    Ritz: your blushing... your hiding something I know you are its written all over your face

    Rev: fine..

    Ritz: oh... a dress

    Rev: yeah...

    Lora: aw aren't you the cutest one?

    Rev: shut up...

    meanwhile when Hakuru finish's dressing

    Yamota: my god... that's the prettiest lillium white and black dress I have ever seen

    Hakuru: ah.. well I'd pretty much like to dress with my usual clothes...

    Yamota: no you look perfect! Come on!

    Hakuru: its a good thing Alucard didn't see this.. that ******** crazy b*****d...

    Yamota: hmph, hey V!

    Hakuru: what?! When was V here?!

    Yamota: well since then everyone tagged along....

    Sukya: hi hi ^^

    Kanome!: YO!

    Yukina: wazzup

    Fuka: teehee ^^
    Asuka: hm..

    Hiyane: hey!

    Hakuru: you gotta be kidding me!

    V: uhh hey...

    she was wearing a white and red dress

    Hakuru: um..

    Yamota: shes cute ay?

    Hakuru: yeah....

    Yamota: hey no need to look away come on!

    V: ah?

    Meanwhile at Rev's side

    Rev: great! This place will do!

    Ritz: you mean in this abandon hotel

    Rev: well this place was canceled and no one demolished it so that means this place is ours!

    Ritz: you think people will ever notice this building?

    Rev: nah...

    Ritz: well what now?

    Rev: well we need a lot of work to do we need money...

    Lora: don't worry I have a lot!

    Rev: what the?!

    Lora: well its from my bank account besides Rev your our leader right?

    Rev: Lora thank you! You rock!

    Ritz: Yoko you think you can clean this mess up with your forbidden alchemy powers?

    Yoko: yeah...

    Trace on!
    Rev: lets go and get some food and some beds for everyone and for the left over money, we'll save it for now and save up big time

    Ritz: yeah... but I think you should-

    Rev: for the last freaking time I'm okay!

    Ritz: but your immortality powers they won't be back if you don't rest

    Rev: not if I eat!

    Ritz: wait why are you running off?!

    Rev: take care of things will ya?!

    Ritz: ah... idiot...

    meanwhile in the city

    Rev: hm... this dress.. ah.. what am I saying? I must be out of my mind...

    Hakuru: excuse ill have one ice tea please

    Rev: what the?

    Hakuru: actually make that two....

    V: Ill just have a coffee please

    Rev: what? Your... treating me?

    Hakuru: your hurt aren't you? I don't really care if we're enemies Rev, helping people is what I do now...

    Rev: ah..

    Hakuru: well go on drink Rev

    Rev: thanks...

    Hakuru: come on tell me what happened?

    Rev: well since we've screwed up the Gunners world by putting graphite and screwing around with people they had no use of us, I mean whats wrong with fun?!

    Hakuru: hmph, I always liked fun

    Rev: well now you see...

    V: you should really need to a break

    Rev: what?

    Hakuru: being a Gunner is tough but I think its time for all of us to choose our own fates with our own soul, besides we choose to help people and not let anyone die

    Rev: well for us the HellsBound Crisis gang we don't let anyone of our friends die... but... half of our friends were dead.... back at the Gunners world...

    Hakuru: they're in your heart aren't they? Friends can't be gone forever if you still feel them....

    Rev: …. what do you mean? I don't get you yo...

    Hakuru: just drink...

    Rev: why are you doing this?

    Hakuru: because, if I don't ill be nothing like one of them.... after all, I am a clone.... it's not like I have to... I wanted to

    Rev: ah

    V: true words huh?

    Hakuru: yeah....

    well Hinkyo? What do you think?

    She moves her left hair away so Rev can see her red blooded eye

    Hinkyo: hm.. I guess so...

    Hakuru: even she agrees

    Rev: ah... you got yourself a demon?

    Hakuru: well everyone has an angel and a demon don't they?

    Rev: immortals can't have any guides for them...

    Hakuru: seriousely?

    Rev: yep.... I lived too long...

    Hakuru: hey at least your still alive, this 21st century is screwed.. I heard strange murders were somewhere around this place, bite marks on there necks, torn organs, children loss of blood its everywhere... we're thinking of leaving Tokyo maybe heading to America... I don't know...

    Rev: …..

    V: hey about the strange murders wanna try and stop them first then head back?

    Hakuru: well... I don't know.... that's your choice....

    Rev: THATS IT YO!

    Hakuru: huh?


    Hakuru: nani?!


    Hakuru: ah... Rev?

    Rev: and yo sorry about calling you a b***h back there, but this isn't mean we're friends or allies!

    Hakuru: ha.... okay okay

    V: beach it is then

    meanwhile at the beach



    Rev: yo

    Hakuru: hey

    Rev: we had to finish preparing our new home, so it was all done quickly

    Hakuru: I see

    suddenly darkness lured into Hakuru's mind

    Hakuru: ah!

    Rev: hey whats wrong?

    Hakuru: your not going to take.... me.... ahh..... damn it....

    she took the pills

    Hakuru: ah...

    Rev: what was that?

    Hakuru: sorry its the power of my 2nd demon inside of me

    Rev: 2nd demon?

    Hakuru: yeah long story anyways I'm gonna go change see ya

    Rev: ok

    meanwhile there as Hakuru putted on her old clothes on with the green jacket and others

    Hakuru: my old self.... I miss my old self.... but... the more I miss it the more I will remember those things..

    well guess I should put on my swim suit then.... damn it Saya what have you done? Well guess none of this was all your fault anyway I can feel your pain just about now

    Yamota: yo Hakuru-san! Lets go!

    Hakuru: yeah yeah!

    Meanwhile outside

    Hakuru: I'm gonna go and get a few beers want some?

    Yamota: sure

    Rev: hey Yamota

    Yamota: yo?

    Rev: can I talk with for a minute

    Yamota: sure

    Rev: I want to know more about Hakuru

    Yamota: what? And all this time you hate her

    Rev: look I'm seriouse I want know her past

    Yamota: fine....

    It all started when she was first created by the BWF. The guy name Onimaru had her daughter died, he was desperate so he had to create a clone, but instead of that he created an army of super soldiers. Since these clones were all deadly assassins two cargo pods dropped

    It was her and her cloned sister

    Hakuru Sakura and Sukya Sakura as their cloned parents found them

    Rev: cloned parents?

    Yeah them too were cloned since Onimaru was so addictive on making clones he made him and also his wife clones with their younger forms.

    But then since their relationship wasn't spent too long Alucard came and finished the job, killed three of them, Hakuru managed to escape but the BWF caught her and trained her as she became the ultimate weopon.... eight years later at the age of 18 she beaten her way out and got out of there safely

    that's when she went to Tokyo as she met with me, her and me went pretty well, we became best friends..... then we were hunted, every single time we were hunted

    we grouped up with Sukya the real one when we thought the clone was still alive but Sukya betrayed her..... it was after the Gunners Academy, we had no choice but to kill her..... because of the orders of the Gunners.... she ran and ran as she found a few groups of others, it was now called the Skull Gunners as they started to protect humans, it was V, Asuka and Hiyane

    she then died when we all had a shot at her.... she couldn't die that easily though....

    Rev: she had a tough life then huh?

    Well..... the day when met Saya was before when we first came in Gunners Academy, it was in that day where they both started to fight, clone to clone.....

    we all fought against Saya's members as they fought ours, then we became allies when Saya brang her back to life with a sorcerer but suddenly an evil spirit awakened inside of her..... making its body to leave to London where vampires took place to battle.... unfortunately till on... the evil spirit had no use for the body so instead it took away Hinkyo as V went after the evil spirit Rumiko she actually Hakuru's soul and made a doll body.... but V couldn't make it out.... so instead Hakuru had to get back to Tokyo as Hinkyo went after her.... Hakuru lost her memory not until Hinkyo came

    she then went on a journey together with the two of them alone, they fought and trained as they increased their own powers

    Rev: ah! This is what long story!

    Yamota: see this story is about Hakuru's tough life, shes been through hell ever since, but she always grows strong and cares about us

    Rev: ah....

    Hakuru: hey here's the beer what are you guys chatting about?

    Rev: ah its nothing

    Yamota: yo lets have a toast, welcome back to the human world Rev Firia

    Rev: heh... yeah

    Hakuru: its nice here right? Well anyways I'm not gonna live forever y'know?

    Rev: what?

    Hakuru: I'm going to make Saya's wish come true

    Rev: what do you mean?

    Hakuru: she wants to become human, doesn't want to be alone anymore, for me... I'm a clone.... but I do have friends.... and I don't want Saya to feel as if shes still alone with no feelings, I'm going to make her wish come true no matter what even if I have to face death

    Rev: are you really up for this?

    Hakuru: I always faced death Rev, everyone always has.... don't worry, i'll come back again, you know me, I can't be gone forever no matter what, even if I die I can't be gone forever

    Yamota: that's she always has been around for awhile, so lets just have fun and find this fate secret door thing to grant true wish's yeah?

    Hakuru: yeah

    Rev: you care a lot about people that much don't you?

    Hakuru: yeah, I actually do, I act more like a human don't I?

    Rev: …..

    she smiles

    Rev: yeah you do....

    Hakuru: okay! Yamota! You and me one on one! Lets drink!

    Yamota: now your talking!

    Rev: hey hey!

    Hakuru: anyways no matter what we won't be alone, we'll always be friends forever no matter what we won't be apart from each other


    V: yeah!

    Rev: ….. you remind me just like my other old friend...


    she smiled as everyone had fun

    To be continued

    Next Chapter #12 Apart with Tears

    meanwhile at the Gunners world


    Saya: what?!

    Aja: they've found the door!

    Saya: your kidding right?!

    Aja: no its seriouse!

    Saya: ah!

    Gods: It's time! For our destiny to be awaken.... we must get Hakuru Sakura.....

    Our wish will come.... true