• Axel sat sideways in the chair across from Minioto, his current counselor “so, what kind of issues do you have?” she asked

    “no comment.” he let his head fall down along the side of the chair, mostly with boredom

    “how are you most of the time?”

    “pissed, depressed.”


    “no comment” he refused to tell anyone he didn't know about his issues.

    “I can't help you if I don't know whats wrong.”

    “I'm aware of that.” he looked towards the table and reached for a pen, barely able to reach it. Minioto pushed it closer to him so he could get it and he twisted it between his fingers

    “if you stay upside down for too long you'll pass out.”

    “technically I'm not upside down.” he watched the pen wind its way between his fingers. He shifted position so that his back was where the arm of the chair met the back and continued twisting the pen, silent

    “don't you want to say anything?”


    “why not?”

    “I hardly know you.”

    “well, we could talk and get to know each other.” she suggested

    “yeah no”

    “all I'm trying to do is help you.”

    “I don't need help.”

    “if you didn't you wouldn't be here.” he tossed the pen onto the table and put his feet on the floor to reach into his pocket for his switchblade “um, Axel?” he flipped it open as she called for security.