• Axel: *Jumps out with palm facing out* Arret! Tempes d'Axel.
    [Theme: Gives You Hell - The All-American Rejects]

    Axel: Hey guys, whats up? This is “Axel Time” episode trois. Alright, you're probably wondering what that cracking sound was last time, unless you figured it out, it was Saix breaking my door. So now I have a blanket tacked up *picks up camera to show the black blanket tacked over the doorway* see? *put camera back down* I would answer questions but there are none to answer. So we move on to what I found

    Narrator: What Axel found in somebody elses room [Dr. Who theme]

    Axel: Alright so I slipped into Xigbars room to see what I could find *pulls something from below the cameras view* a bottle of sake. Makes me wonder if he has any more, though this ones empty... *looks at it* no wait *drinks a little bit* now its empty.

    Narrator: Axels hidden camera [Twilight Zone theme]

    Axel: So this time I hid a camera in Marluxias room because I don't like him and need something to embarrass him with.

    *Marluxias room*
    Marluxia: *flipping through a magazine* Hmm... That ones neat... *stops flipping for a minute then resumes*

    *Axels room*
    Axel: I think that was a dress magazine. *laughs a little*

    Larxene: *snickers, looking in a black notebook*

    Axel: *turns to look back* When did you get here? And what are you doing with my journal? *grabs book from her*

    Larxene: a couple minutes ago. *Sits there behind him* You called Saix “Elf”?

    Axel: He has elf ears, you ever notice that?

    Larxene: *shrugs* not really

    Axel: *sighs through his nose* well I'm going to go and have a word with Larxene here, so peace, I'm out.