• Sakura

    Not very long ago in the village of Waters there where two types of groups there where the Ninjas and there where the Samurais. But something went wrong the Samurais where abusing of the Ninjas and the Ninjas got tried and decide to go against the Samurais. Then a war began between the Ninjas and the Samurais, the Samurais had there swords that incredible powers and the Ninjas had power beyond imagination. A small family called the “Lee’s” were also Ninjas and they had two twins that where girls both of them where Yoko but one of them was always called Yoko Lee. One day Ninja notice that a Samurai was paying Yoko to tell her every bit information about the Ninjas the Samurai was also training Yoko so she could become one of them. The Ninja didn’t think twice and told the Lee’s about what Yoko was doing. At night the family gather and told Yoko to leave and never come back to forget she ever had a family. Yoko said “please believe me mother I’m you daughter you cant just believe every Ninja, Yoko Lee please bug sister believe me”. Although Yoko kept at it not even her big sister Yoko Lee believed her anymore and she didn’t even looked at her she looked at the floor all the time. Yoko packed her things and the Samurai took her in she became the best Samurai not even the greatest masters could defeat her but her sister Yoko Lee became the greatest Ninja there ever was. Yet Yoko grew to hate her sister for not helping her when she was being asked to leave and Yoko Lee only wished the best for her sister. But the war between the Ninjas and the Samurai still continue and every time the twins met Yoko Lee always tried not to hurt her sister, but Yoko always tried to kill her. Soon after in one of the fights Yoko Lee started to fight a Samurai named Will and he was strong he defeated her but he wanted to see who he was against so he took of Yoko Lee’s mask and saw that it was a girl. No matter what Will couldn’t hurt any girl so he carried her and healed her. Soon later Yoko Lee and Will started to fall in love with each other but Yoko Lee was being watched by her sister Yoko she also had feelings for Will and she couldn’t stand the fact that he sister had won Will’s heart and she hated her even more. Yoko Lee had two twin girls the Day of the “Great War of Waters” every Ninja vs. every Samurai. After Yoko had given birth to her daughters she had to run because she wasn’t safe in any place every Ninja was being hunted down and killed. Yoko Lee reached the border where the war was divide and there she fell down. From far away he sister saw her she came up to her and picked up one of her daughters. A Ninja who was Friends with Yoko Lee saw what Yoko was doing and she hurried and grabbed the other child before Yoko could. The war ended 9 days later and Samurai Yoko told the Emperor Of waters that she had no place to go and she had to take care of her child. The Emperor already had a son named Edward that was 1 year old he taught that he needed a mother and married Yoko. Yoko Lee was buried after the war and he daughter Sakura was in the hands of he best friend but her other child was in the hands of her sister Yoko but the child was soon going to be the princess since the Emperor treated her as her own daughter.

    To Be Continued… ninja