• "Advance!" I ordered Dylans army which was now mine too but I couldn't wrap my mind around it. "I want to be there by dinner" not that there is any but I figured only Lorenzo would know that.
    "Jake. You do know that Jepson or Janson whoever he is can see things before they happen right" When Lorenzo said this he looked completly serious.
    "No that was all part of the con that got me to kill my father! Look I'm sorry but when you kill your father because of some stupid guy memories linger." I sighed. I really was sorry. I was wondering what to say next but came up with nothing to my relief Captain Peter Riley came to my aid.
    "We're there sir."
    "Launch the attack. Send 100 men in with me but I want to face Jepson or whoever he calls himself. Bombard the exterior, put general Dylans squad on back up in case I get stabbed or we run out of men.
    Our attack was going mostly successful but I still hadn't found Mr. Janson or Jepson whoever he was.
    Just then I saw something move so I took out my sword and slashed it. There was a loud scream as I realized I had hit Mr. Janson. I then realized what a moron I was as he was an angel. A dark spirit rose from his dead body ran through me like a hurricane wind or experiencing gods wrath. Whatever it was it hurt.
    "AHHHHH" I shreiked in horror. I didn't know what it was going on I realized that I didn't know what half of what was going on lately but I blacked
    out before I could think anymore.
    I woke up in the infirmary a week later.
    "Jacob? Jacob you still in that head of yours?" Asked Lorenzo
    "Yeah I'm still here. How long was I out? Did you catch Mr. Jepson or Janson whoever he is."
    "We couldn't he went through our blades and posessed Dylan and I can't kill him or the army will revolt against us."
    "Then it's time to ditch the army."
    "Are you sane?"
    "Not anymore!" I nearly shouted filled in anger. HE WILL PAY EVEN IF I DIE HE WILL PAY! I now knew my fate: to go down fighting.