• After a 20 minute shower I stepped into the steamed up bathroom. I rubbed a hole in the fogged up mirror and a girl with deep red hair looked back at me. The eyes weren’t the only shocking thing about me. I had high cheekbones that most girls would pay for, and a medium build body that looked petite and though at the same time. Apparently I was very attractive to humans but with my super senses I could see every flaw in people. Including myself, I had a nose that was slightly unproportional to the rest of my face, my full lips were uneven, and my eyes were just a little too big. I could see all this but my classmates at school couldn’t.

    ‘I wonder if that bird kid is going to be there.’ I thought while curling my hair so I would have banana curls. My hair is long! Like down to my waist long! It wasn’t hard to control and it was normally straight. It was a deep gorgeous red and I had just gotten black streaks in it.

    Most people call me Alex but I prefer Alexandra. Don’t ask me why because I can’t tell you but I just like my full name better.

    I began putting on my eye shadow and mascara when I heard rustling down stairs.

    “Alexandra! Come on down for breakfast!”

    “What’s for breakfast?!”

    “B positive!”


    I finished my mascara and walked down stairs. Now, I could’ve sprinted and made it down in 0.5 seconds but I didn’t feel like it. I got downstairs and Ever was there.

    “Hey!” I said


    “What’s up?”

    “Nothing much, just wanted to know if I could stay the night.”

    “Oh sorry. I’m going to that new night school tonight.”

    “Right! Sorry I completely blanked!”

    “Ha-ha! Nah its fine! Well today’s Friday so tomorrow?”


    “Ok well I got to go eat.”

    “Ok. What are you having?”

    I put my most evil face on and started stalking towards her. “Depends, what’s your blood type?” I said jokingly while my fangs slid out of their sockets in my mouth.

    She raised her fists and said “Bring it VAMPIRE!” and we both busted out laughing. “And anyways I’m a negative!”

    “Well you’re not good enough!”

    “Well then!”

    “Well I got to go bye.”

    “Bye.” She said walking out the door.

    “Alexandra,” my mom called, “Do you want your breakfast heated up of not?”


    “Okay,” my mom said as I walked into our kitchen.

    “Morning!” I say. It’s our little inside joke. Cause we wake up at night? Ha-ha? Anyone?

    My mom kisses my forehead and sits next to me on the counter. “Are you excited?”


    “Well you should be!”

    “I guess it hasn’t kicked in yet.”

    “Here let’s dance!”


    My moms one of those young moms and she’s really cool but when she starts to act her daughters age its scary! Well I’d rater she act like that then be uptight!