• Intro

    First off, I don't own any of the characters suggested and/or in this story, with the exception of the OCs I created. That's as far as the intro is going to go. Enjoy, R&R. Thanks.


    My life, my eternity with you is all I want my dear.

    I can't imagine being without you. I don't think I could go on…

    Rest assured, I don't intend on leaving you ever again.

    He's still out there….searching for you…hunting for you.

    I know where you're going with this. It won't happen again. Never again will I abandon you in the face of danger.

    Please don't ever become a prisoner to their will. Never leave me again.

    I won't. Here we are now with bonds unbroken and they shall remain that way. Even if it kills me.

    Don't say that, please. I can't live without you. I love you with all my heart…

    I love you with all my soul…

    The Sun, whose radiant beams of amaranth has painted the atmosphere a matching fuchsia, looms above all life casting it's constant insight over lands the moon hasn't claimed. Heralding its beauty and warmth, a film of dew covers the landscape as far as the eye can see. The tapestry depicted before your eyes is a rolling green pasture that resembles numerous emerald waves as a meager zephyr combed through them. The dew, which ascends as the breeze combs through the field, greatly favors what can only be described as the Earth bequeathing its own sparkles of radiance back to the fiery god that impends overhead. It was a paltry sacrifice which could never compensate for the millennia of light granted by the Sun. Residing peacefully within this pasture were two lovers; one perched soundlessly atop the other. He lay upon a rigid rock by choice and draped across his leg was her body and resting soundlessly on the junction of his ankle was her head.

    Surrounding these two is a miniature jungle of dandelions, most of them missing half their spores due to the ease of which they can be dislodged and blades of grass that were saturated in a smooth gloss of dew. They sparkled in the glow of the morning sun and danced in the wind as they rejoiced their company's union while shedding tears of dew upon them. The stings of cold were refreshing to the both of them during their waking hours.

    So Beautiful. The blazing, transcendental beacon of hope that is the Sun's luminosity caresses the spirit of the weary and blesses them with unbound joy. He was drawn to it as well as its radiance which never wavered from it's composition as a pallid white blaze unreachable and unattainable even by him. Its rays were not strong enough yet to offend his powerful eyes so he remained fixed in its glow. He smiles in its affectionate touch and basks in it's warmth after a long cold night. His thick azure fur ruffles in response to the murmur of heat and so did the two frontal dark tendrils that hung from the sides of his head. A small sound redolent of what he calls a divine symphony of voice dislodges his attention to his companion whose petite body was draped sleepily across his legs while her head rested upon his ankle.

    Ahhh... His love coos so softly rolling over his thigh to face upward. No...more...fighting... Even in her sleep, he found her, as well as her voice, to be no less than heavenly.

    Slowly, he starts forward, raising his back and mid-stride, a sharp surge of pain streamed through. He delivers comfort to his spine instantly realizing the cause of this uncontrollable ache is the severe contours of his muscles memorized by the rigidity of the stone on which he slept beginning to correct themselves.

    Wake up my dear...His voice which as deep as oceans yet calm as the soft zephyr that streamed to the west has been dampened by fatigue and sleep when he spoke. His morning call echoes to her in a deep half yawn as he coddles her downy abdomen, It's time to depart now.

    Beautiful she was as she lay innocently and placidly across the onyx knob of his ankles. After hearing his soft voice, she began awake gradually. First her eyes, her alluring cerulean eyes reveal themselves slowly while she releases an infantile coo of a yawn. She lifts her arm and nettles her belly ever so slowly before turning twinkling sapphires to the burning embers that are her lover's ruby eyes. She released another coo, much higher in pitch, but shorter than the last and rises to a sitting position against his left inner thigh. The silken fur that lined his thigh lulled her with ease. She pressed her small being against him and smiled lovingly also giving him a glance as she did. The Earth is a cruel bed...She laments almost in a whisper as she leans forward...I'm happy I have you for comfort.

    Look at what I slept on. This rock here isn't the best thing either...he quips jokingly rubbing his back in an area that seemed to be throbbing.

    I envy you.

    I'm sorry. Next time, you can take the ground and I'll take the rock. She expresses sympathy in a sheepishly coy manner.

    She was always soft in nature and always met his pain or anger with either serious care or a sense of sarcasm that exuded certain quantities of warmth depending on the issue. No matter how aloof he was following the surmounting of an encumbrance or how wounded he may be following a failed bout, she'd always truly care for him and in the end, she'd always let him know. His response to her remark of watered down sarcasm consists of only a soft eyed leer and a smirk. This lets her know that her humor is met with no retort. The same response from her lets him know the she feels his unrelenting pain. In an attempt to better comfort him, quickly she hovers and flits through the air jovially before landing in the cradle of his somber arms.

    I'll pick a more comfortable place for the two of us, okay?

    He smiles slowly moving has hand over a stiff area in his back and retorts...Next time, I pick.

    Did you sleep well? She ventures, pressing her small frame against the smooth of his chest. Flexing his paw and moving it back to its default position by his side, he smiles lightly and shoots a heartfelt gaze outward over the meadow. Of course I did. I had you by my side didn't I?

    Uneasily, she repositions herself in his arms and faces him with a beseeching ogle. Your dreams divulge otherwise...She quickly responds. His embrace weakens and his smile is now an expression of indifference. His stare is now transfixed upon a target that is either thousands of miles away or, for the most part, nonexistent...It appears your mind is still trapped within the prison of yesterday.

    He focuses on the pasture which has, like the mesmerizing jade wave it resembled, subsided. He knew she was right and it was something that he could not possibly hide from her. Yesterday has been forgotten. We should move on now and not dwell on the past.

    If you continue to...She begins, hovering beside draping herself across his right shoulder...then I can't. I dreamed about it as well. Please. She whispered into the neap of his neck as she pleadingly nestled herself closer.

    Just don't let it happen yesterday happen again. Confronting them will never resolve this fight.

    He strokes the light barrier of pink fluff that over her back that covers her back forgivingly as his red eyes roam the field which now resembled an angrily burning sea in the dew's reflection of the amaranth morning sun. What he saw in the field, he felt in his heart. Her aura which now emanated a despondent dark blue relieves to a light pink within his amiable cuddle. Almost silently he speaks...It won't my dear. I promise. Her subtly joy was apparent. He could feel it as she purred in his dark pawed embrace and also took of her coat. As joy consumed her, it would relish a sleek cherry blossom shine. Her fur has always marked her happiness that way. It was a denotation he's taken notice of over time.

    She gazes into his scarlet eyes once more and a smile as bright as the gloss of the sun etches itself into her beautiful eyes giving them the gleam of a jewel. He rests his paw upon her cheek and draws her closer to him. Within seconds, their eyes shut and their lips were only inches apart as they formed a kiss. When seemingly their path to a passionate endeavor was nearing its end, the reverb of a rumbling tummy is heard.

    Eyes open wide. She looks into his eyes and notices no irregularities, but the same does no go for her. He ogles her, noticing that her once light pink aura has now become a powerful yellow.

    Lucario...She starts.

    Yes? What's wrong? He responds immediately.

    I'm hungry.

    It was as cute as it was moment breaking. He smiles and places a kiss atop her forehead. Yeah...he begins before allowing his love to fly free. He places a hand over his belly, rubs it in a circular motion as it too rumbles and agrees. I am too, Mew.

    Well, I guess it's time to retire to the forest for now then right? He places a foot down and begins to rise, but does so much unhurriedly than usual. Something wasn't right.

    Your injury from yesterday…it-It's nothing that I can't handle...Lucario cuts over to assure. Trust me.

    She responds concerned...Are you sure? I can go to the forest alone and gather fruits if you need me to.

    He gives a quick askance to her and chuckles lightly before responding, Separation from you is the last thing I want right now. I can handle a short walk and besides, it's only a scratch. More or less it's from me sleeping against the brutal curves and contours of that rock. His silver tongue deterred her from her protective frame.

    I'm there if you need me Lucario alright? Mew assures holding his right arm supportively as he stiffly arose.

    It's nothing. Now, let's go find some food for the morning shall we?

    He gives her the same loving smile and nods affirmatively. With no further complications and the return of a smile from her, he arises and they make their way through the beauty and supremacy of waving embers and blazes that was the ever shining pasture.

    More on the way. Working on three other fics, one of which is under another prof. Like I said earlier, enjoy. wink