• Leslie Bailey was how she thought of herself. Never just Leslie or even myself, even as a child in her own mind she was always Leslie Bailey.

    Leslie Bailey round as a pie, that was Cassidy Rinds favorite taunt, it wasn't very clever but to be fair they were only 7 years old, and besides it served it's purpose Leslie Bailey always cried.

    Not because it hurt, but because she was round as a pie, with big doughy cheeks, and little piggy eyes.

    Leslie Bailey round like a pie, every time she heard it, it made her chest tight, and her face flame, and eyes tear blind. At first Leslie Bailey only felt these things, not knowing that they were only symptoms. Symptoms of the real damage occurring, you see every time those words were said. A little piece of Leslie Bailey was sacrificed to the beast. With every new name, with every new wound...

    Leslie Bailey was slowly fed piece by piece to the beast. Until there was nothing left but her gentle smile.

    Hi, I'm Leslie Bailey, and I'm exactly what you made me to be.