• Sybryn drew the arrow on the string back. He focused his aim, steadied his hand, and let go of the string. The arrow flew straight into the forehead of the dummy, stabbing it with enough force to break the head in two.
    "Once again, my boy, you amaze me." The old teacher, Murodd, cooed.
    "Honestly, it's the easiest thing I have ever done." This was true. Sybryn was good at many things, but he was great with a bow and arrow, even without much effort to use it.
    "Well, look at the time. Hurry home, boy. I have better things to do then watch you make miracles with a piece wood and string. Run along." He gestured, turning his hand over and brushing it across the air, making a shooing motion. Sybryn knew better then to stay , for it was impolite. So, he hurried back to his wooden cottage, where he would find his mom boiling vegetables and cooking sheep meat over an open fire.