• Mitsu was a outgoing girl, loud and free. Her Family consisted of her mother, step father, and one brother who had left the family when she was 6. Mitsu is now fourteen in middle school.

    "Mother, i'm home" Mitsu said, but no one answered. Mitsu guessed no one was home, and went to go watch T.V. Uknown to Mitsu, her Step-Father was there. Mitsu's real Dad was divorced by her mother, and later commited suicide by hanging himself when he was not allowed to even see mitsu. A note was tied to her fathers foot that read "Mitsu, i hope you read this, i am sorry. . .for everything, i love you Mitsu, i hope you grow up and become a splendid women. You're mother said you hated me and never wanted to see me again, but i guess that's to be expected. . .I was a dead beat, never taking things seriously, but-. . . .". Mitsu tears had made the rest of the note impossible to read, and she cried for him. Mitsu never hated her dad, on the contrary, she loved him alot. Mitsu kept that letter, even though it couldn't be read fully anymore, it was the last thing her father left her, and her mother knew nothing about the letter, her mother only wanted that little bit of money the father left behind.

    Back to the present. . . .
    Mitsu sat down and watched her favorite T.V show, Doc*or Who, and ploped down on the sofa. A figure, creeking into the living room govered over mitsu, but Mitsu didn't notice this, and kept on watching T.V. "Hello Mitsu, back from school already? My. . .You've grown" The figure said in a disturbing, raspy voice. Mitsu looked at the figure, and saw it was her step father, a man who she despised. Her step father didn't work or anything, but his father gave him money. This tall man, with eyes that looked like snake eyes, and hair in a tattred mess around his face, started to feel Mitsu. "My, my, you surely have grown to be quite the. . . .Lady." Mitsu slapped his hand, and stood up. "Don't TOUCH ME! " Mitsu was angry, but she over looked one thing. . . *Slap!*
    Mitsu's step dad had slapped her, still with a sinister smile on his face, that seemed to stretch passed his face, he walked towards the downed Mitsu, and corressed her face. "No mark. . .I would hate to mark such a pretty face" And with that, he kissed her. . . .Not on the cheek, but the mouth, a long disgusting toungue, which seemed to have a mind of it's own, came twisting out of his mouth as he kissed.

    "I'm home" Mitsu's mother had just gotten in, mitsu was relieved. "Well, until next time. . .My little Mitsu" Her step dad said, as he went to greet her mother as though nothing happned. Mitsu ran to her room, avoiding her mother, and started crying silently. Everyday, for a half a year, she kept it bottled inside, and every day. . .Her step father did the same thing, getting more aggresive with each passing day. . .Going a bit further everyday. Mitsu met a boy named Reh during her middle school days, who had transferred in, they became good freinds, and she also met another boy, a lecture by the name of Izu. She told them everything because she felt they were the only ones she could tell. They tried to help, but she said no, she didn't want to drag them into anything.

    One day, as her step dad did the usual thing, her mother came in early, and saw everything, But. . . Instead of doing what a normal mother would do, she stayed there. . .Watching. . . Watching as her only daughter was taken by her husband. Her mother had a angry look on her face, as she watched this scene, a face that could scare a demon. That night, her mother went into mitsu's room. . .And Brutally beat her, saying things like "Why does he like you more than me!? Do you think you are better then me!? Do You! Answer me!! No, Just DIE!!!" Mitsu's mother beat mitsu half to death with her bare hands, and then her belt. As mitsu lay there. . . .Bleeding, trying to pretend it doesn't hurt. . . .trying to pretend she is still asleep. . .Trying to pretend. . . . This is all a nightmare.

    The next day, mitsu didn't come to school, and the next day after that, she didn't either. Reh and Izu became worried, knowing her situation, and went to her house. They knocked on her door, and saw a tall man answer it. "What do you want?" The tall man said with serpant eyes and a crocodile smile.
    The kids asked for mitsu, but the tall man said she wasn't there, and shut the door, still having that face that looked like a mask covered in hair.
    The boys walked away, but then saw mitsu in a window on the second floor. She had bruises on her face, and her eyes. . .They looked Vacant. The boys knew what they had to do, but they couldn't do anything until tommorrow.

    That night, Mitsu's mother acted surprisingly nice to mitsu. Mitsu. . .Who always thought her life was a nightmare, finnally believed the nightmare had ended. Mitsu teared up a little as her mother acted like a mother that night. But, her mothers smile didn't seem right. . . .It looked fake, like she was forcing herself. "Mitsu, would you like some tea? I made it especially for you."
    Mitsu smiled, and took the tea, crying a bit and looking into the tea. "Mother. . .Thank you!" Mitsu said with a smile that could make a ghost's heart beat. Mitsu put the cup to her lips and took a sip. . . .*Crash!*
    Mitsu dropped her cup and held her throat. Mitsu reached out to her mother with one hand, and held her throat with the other, but. . .Her mother simply stood there with that fake smile on. . .And laughing. Mitsu dropped to the floor, tears rolling down her face, making the world so blurry. Mitsu felt like her throat was coated with hot coals, she tried to cry, but no sound came out.
    She passed out from the pain. . . .

    The next day, Izu and Reh came to her house with the teachers from their school, but. . .They were too late. Reh and Izu told their teachers about what Mitsu told them, about how her step father does all sorts of things to her. The teachers knocked on the door, and again. . .The tall man answered. "Hello, what can i do for you today?" He said with that same smile. "we are here to see Mitsu" Said one of the teachers. The tall man let us in, surpisingly, andcalled mitsu down, and left the room when mitsu arrived. Mitsu had a hat on and sunglasses, and a long sleeve shirt and pants. "Miss, are you being in anyway abused?" Mitsu tried to speak, but nothing came out. "Miss, we need you to say something". Mitsu put her head down, and tears rolled down her face. "Mitsu. . .Why aren't you talking? Please. . . .Say something!" Reh said.
    Mitsu pointed to her throat, but no one knew what she was trying to indicate. "Well, we can't do anything if we don't get a testimony, so we will be on our way then, sorry for the intrusion". Mitsu's head quickly rose, and she tugged on one of the teachers arms, and grabbed a piece of paper. " Oh! You plan to write it?" Mitsu nodded, and put her hand out for a pen.

    As she started to write, her Step father walked in with his devilish grin, and sat down . . . Right next to her. "What are you doing ,my little mitsu?" Mitsu's hand froze. Reh and Izu quickly looked at each other, then at Mitsu. "Do it! We want you to come back to school with us!!" Mitsu lifted her head in shock, and smiled that smile that makes everything feel like sunshine hit it. She wrote her answer, and it was "Yes". Mitsu's step dad. . . .His smile finally changed, and he lifted his hand, and struck mitsu across the face. The teadhers quickly grabbed him, and Reh and Izu called the police. Mitsu's step dad was arrested, but before he got into the police car, his final words were "I will return, and when i do. . . I will give you lots of L-o-v-e" This made all of us shiver, and also. . . .Mitsu's mother was never found.

    It is said her mother Ran when she saw the police, but her mothers cloths and things were still at home. Some say the step father killed her to get mitsu and the house. But the perculier thing is. . .The letter mitsu's father left her. . . .It mysteriousy vanished. . . In fact, it's the only thing that vanished, so did her father get revenge on the mother that made his life hell after all this time? No one knows.

    Mitsu now lives with her Aunt, though she is still Mute, she lives a good, quiet life. She goes to highschool with Reh and Izu as freshman, and loves her Aunt very much.