• Time flies by when when you fall in love.
    Everyday seems like only a couple hours.
    Finally when you feel as though your heart could explode with happiness,
    the people you love tear it down.
    But when time flows by you realise if someone does that,
    they werent made for you.
    And that there are more around.
    Especially those who will do wich you ask of them.
    Theres a time for those men.
    They only come when you least expect it.
    And you wont know that its him,
    until hes gone.
    Then when he comes back,
    you know that he'll never know why.
    So us girls,
    And i mean all girls,
    we need to stick together.
    So ladies do what you do.
    And love the right man.
    Be careful of what you wish.
    And always stick with your friends.