• The girl shredded the demon’s head into pieces, creating a massive explosion of red and purple gunk. Some of it landed on the girl’s shirt and it burned the shirt completely into oblivion. Taking chances, she licked her retracted fingers and sliced her own body. Once the deed was committed, she landed a sharp finger on the demon’s dead body, still spurting the mystery gunk from its head. All of the sudden a man had appeared from behind.
    He asked in a very playful voice, “Why so serious, Maiden?” Then, he dared to lay a hand on the shoulder of the killer. She laughed at this remark, then licked her fingers again. The fingers cut her human tongue and blood spilled from her mouth. The man looked at her weird and began to shiver.
    “Don’t. Move,” he said, hesitantly. He slowly crept closer to the girl and laid a hand on the girl’s cheek, cushioning it. When he was inches away from her face, he said, “Get ready,” and lunged in for a kiss. But, this wasn’t really what any original kiss would be like. This specific kiss sucked the blood from the girl’s mouth, and she shivered once, showing a final weakness. No one, but the man who had kissed the girl’s deadly lips, can frighten the poor child.