• I felt a sharp pain in my side. I woke up. I was in my room. Everything seemed to look normal
    yet i felt weird. I strangely had to run. It was snowing hard onutside. As i got dressed i thought about my dream. Thinking about it sent a cold chill down my spine. I decided to not think of my dream. As i headed outside I thought i should bring my inhaler for my asthma. What could go wrong though?
    I didn't want to just start running down the street so I decided to just go to the forest near my house. I didn't stick to the path like i knew i should, I just ran aimlessly. When I finally got tired i stopped and rested on a tree stump. I had trouble breathing but i shook it off.
    I wandered around then saw it. Before my eyes was a beautiful meadow. The snow here had a rhythmical balance to it. It was so peaceful. Sadly not for long.
    I couldn't breathe. I was having an asthma attack. How could i be so stupid and leave my inhaler at home. So this is it I'm going to die here in the snow. No one will cry for me. No one will care.. not even Faith. My twin sister. Looks like old Hope will be going bye bye for awhile.
    Death is cold a cold thing. I feel gratitude that wasn't the day of my death.
    I was glad to hear the voice of my savior. Kristan. He was walking and he found me slowly dying. He picked me up. I remember his concern and his fear. So here I am laying down in his bed while he calls my parents. Joy. Another lecture. I decided to close my eyes for a minute. When i opened them there he was. Staring into my eyes as if trying to read my thoughts.
    He suddenly looked embarrassed. "I.. are you okay?" he asked
    "Yea I'm fine. Thank you... for saving me..."I said
    I felt a strange sensation as i talked to him.
    "your mom is here.." he said
    Thus the lecture and yelling began.

    _Continued later_