• 29 year old Morgan Wise, lived in a small town in the middle of New Jersey. The town fishdalle may be small but was very busy. The streets were filled with rushing cars and screaming children. The one thing Morgan hated was to be right in the middle of it. Morgan lived in apartment A and on the busiest street in the whole town, Howard Ave. One day Morgan got sick and tired of it so she moved, to Florida. When she got to Florida she found a smaller town, that wasn't that busy. She bought her own house, made friends with the neighbors, and to Morgan's surprise, she might even have a boyfriend. Gaven, Gaven Bremen. He was brooding, mysterious, and super sexy. Morgan thought he was different. He was different, definitely different. At first she thought he was different because of his personality. Then she realized it was not his personality.She knew her was a vampire, she had proof. He only came out at night, he was always so cold, he never ate. Morgan excepted him for who he was. He was a monster, but a nice monster. He wasn't just nice to her he was nice to everybody. He was the one people knew, he was the one children looked up to. At that point Morgan knew he was the one, the one for her She was finally settled down but then thing started to change. People started diapering, body drained of blood.Both Gaven and Morgan knew a vampire was doing this and they had do stop it, but not only were people dieing other people started saying that they saw a big scary dog lurking around in the forest. Whats behind those trees, nobody knows. YET!!!!!!!!!